✉ Whoop dee fuckin' doo

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I woke up, cold. I had my blanket, yes, but it was still cold. This was normal since I lived in the coldest kingdom to even exist: The Winter Kingdom. One day, this place would be mine to rule. And there's nothing I could do.

I went to take a quick shower and dressed up for school. I checked the time and it was 5:30. 5. 30. I woke up at fucking 5 again I'm assuming. But, hey, I got a record of being the first one at school everytime, even when I live way too far from uni.

I got in my car and left. Me and my father, Choco Cacao Cookie, didn't speak even once the whole ride there. I hated him. He didn't spend at least a minute with me. He wasn't even busy, he's doing this on purpose. I'm sure, not assuming.

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"Cacao! Cacao!" I looked to see my friend, Pure Vanilla, waving his hands, not even embarrassed of himself. Golden on the other hand was encouraging him by calling me too.

"Oi Darkie! Get over here! We got some news!" I just wanted to strangle the shit outta her, but then I remembered she's my sister. Our parents divorced. My mom chose Golden, my dad chose me. I sometimes wished mom took me instead because she just looked so happy when she talked about mom.

"What now?" I asked sarcastically.

"There's some new kids coming today, they're getting toured at the moment" said Golden softly as she didn't want anyone to hear.

"And I gotta admit, one of them was pretty cute" sighed Vanilla. "Wish I said hi".

"That's legitimately what you always say.." I told him. "And they never go well".

"Stop being so negative! It might be nice this time!" PV protested.

"Stop being so positive, not everything is good.." I replied harshly. Golden just laughed it off.

"Bells boutta ring, let's get outta here" she grabbed her bag and dragged mine on the way. She does this daily to "keep the weight off my shoulders", as if it's the same either way.

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"Class, please settle down!" Said Ms. Cranberry Cookie "I would like to introduce some new Cookies to our class! Don't be shy dears!"

Two Cookies then entered the classroom, and Vanilla was right...they WERE cute..especially the pink haired on- wait what the hell am I saying?

"Hello everyone!!" Boomed the Pink haired Cookie "I'm Holly, Hollyberry Cookie! Nice to meet you all! I can guarantee we can be friends!" They laughed.

I couldn't help but blush on how energetic she was. The feeling was..weird..as if there was something wrong with me.

"A-And I'm White Lily..!" Said the white hair "I hope we could get along.." She showed a small smile

"Cmon, Lily!!! Don't be shy!!" Hollyberry put her arm on Lily's shoulder playfully.

"Holly, please it down next to Mr. Cacao over there" Ms. Cranberry pointed at a feeling-main-character-energy me since I was looking away, pretending to doze off while I hide my blush. "And Lily, sit down beside Mr. Vanilla over there" Pure Vanilla on the other hand waved at her energetically and encouraging her to sit. Tsk..what a simp.

"Hi there! I guess you're Cacao, huh?" The cookie asked me.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah..yeah.." I said, still looking away. Why did I feel like a TOMATO???

"Don't be so gloooommyyyy!! Or is that your tactic to make girls like youu? GASP! OR SOMEONE..SPECIFIC??" she made me turn my head to face her. Suddenly the "tomato effect" wore off on me.

"I'm sorry, wha-HAHA-ht??" I laughed. Wait...I laughed? This was weird.

"I knew it was an act! Oh you look so adorable I could kiss you!" She realized what she said because I looked at her tomato faced. "N-NOT LITERALLY I MEAN FIGURATIVELY I-"

"No, no, it's alright! People mess up because I'm too handsome" I joked with her. Damn I never felt this before, what the hell is wrong with me? And why is it with her?

"I mean..you kinda are so.." She muttered.

"Louder please?" I teased her.

"I swear I will choke you, Cacao! You handsome devil cookie.."

"What was that last bit?"


Damn this was gonna be good after all..and I do not regret any of the following events, because it was so worth it. You wouldn't believe it even if I got backup.

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𓆩 You are not Alone 𓆪 → HollyCacao (discontinued and finished) Where stories live. Discover now