Episode 5 - A Year Later

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"I think Jesse's taking it all in," Olivia guessed.

"Order of the Stone? It's time to get some glory!" Jesse announced, running toward the temple.

"For glory!" the rest of us joined in as we followed Jesse.

We ran into the temple, walking in to see an empty room with a large dip in the middle.

We spilt up to explore the room. Jesse looked at me. "What do you think of this, C?" he asked me.

"Me personality, I think we need to do some type of puzzle to open the way to the treasure," I told him as Petra walked up to us.

"I know we all yelled 'glory' out there, but I'm not gonna lie to you two - I was hoping for treasures," Petra admitted.

"Come on, Petra. You know how these places work," I said, waving my hand around.

"The treasures never just out in the open. Let's fan out and search the place," Jesse added.

Petra nodded, walking away to have a look around the temple.

I walked over to the middle of the room to inspect the hole while Jesse walked over to one of the lava flows. "These channels lead to the center of the room," Jesse observed.

"They look like they're designed to let lava flow from these channels in the wall," Olivia added.

"Why would you want to do that?" Axel questioned.

"Who knows, Axel... Who knows," I muttered, taking a step back.

As Jesse tried to solve the puzzle, I walked over to speak with Petra. "Hey, Petra," I greeted.

She looked up at me with a smile. "This place is cool. Knew you and Jesse would find it," Petra told me.

"Speaking of the temple, how do you think Ivor knew about this place?" I asked.

Petra shrugged. "Eh, who knows? That guys' read like a million books and traveled all over the world. You properly start to learn a thing or two about a thing or two," she pointed out.

I hummed in agreement. "Good point. Thoughts on this place?" I asked.

"I think I'd rather be in a straight fight then doing all this switch-pulling stuff. But, I'm glad Ivor's intale about this place was good," Petra stated.

"True. Leave that to Jesse," I said, whispering the last part to her.

"I heard that, C," Jesse called, turning with a slight glare as he stood with Axel.

Petra and I exchanged a look, giggling slightly. Once we stopped, I crossed my arms. "Sooo... How are you feeling lately?" I questioned, referring to what happened a year ago.

"Wither Sickness free. I think. Now I'm just trying to get used to having 'teammates' and 'people who worry about me!' It's pretty new for me, it's... Nice though," Petra explained.

"Like Jesse?" I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows.

Petra blushed, shoving my arm slightly. "Shut up," she whispered. "You can't say stuff like that when you have a huge crush on Lukas,"

That caused my arms to fall to my side as my face flushed, looking away.

A few months after we were made the New Order of the Stone, I realized that I had feelings for Lukas, shocking... Considering that this is a Lukas love story-

Hey! Stop breaking the fourth wall!

Sorry! Anyway, I didn't confess because 1, we had only been friends for such a short time. 2, there was absolutely no way that he'd like me. 3, for the past few months, he's been away with other people, trying to fix the damage the Wither Storms caused to our world. And 4, Jesse will kill him.

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