Levana smiled as Aemond took her hands in his, lifting them to his lips to place a kiss on her knuckles, "my betrothed."

"My betrothed," Levana responded as Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenyra took their place just behind the princess while the King and Queen stood behind the prince.

The High Septon looked at the both of them before looking towards the crowd:

The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love.

We stand here today in thanks and praise to join two souls as one.

Joffrey would also walk up to the stage to stand beside the High Septon. He had in his hands the cushion that held the wedding rings of King Viserys and Queen Aemma - the rings that they would pass on to Aemond and Levana.

Father. Mother. Warrior. Smith. Maide. Crone. Stranger.

Hear now their vows.

Joffrey walked to Aemond, presenting him with the cushion as the older prince took one of the rings and held Levana's hand in his. He looked into her eyes and smiled, "I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come and with this ring, I take you for my lady and my wife."

Aemond slipped the ring on Levana's finger as Joffrey walked to his sister. Levana took the ring in her hand and held Aemond's hand in hers, she took a deep breath before looking up at him and smiling, "I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come and with this ring, I take you for my lord and husband."

Levana slipped the ring on Aemond's finger as the prince smiled at her. The High Septon instructed Lord Corlys to come forward to take the Velaryon cloak from Levana's shoulders. The Lord of the Tides felt tears down his cheeks as Levana turned to embrace him as soon as the cloak was off of her shoulders.

Aegon walked towards Aemond, handing him the bridal cloak that their father had given to them. He handed over the cloak to his younger brother who nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to Levana.

The princess smiled at him as Aemond carefully wrapped the bridal cloak around Levana's shoulders, making sure that it was fastened properly before turning to the High Septon and nodding at him.

"You may now say your final vows," the High Septon stated as Aemond took Levana's hands in his, squeezing them as they took a step closer to each other before speaking the words, "with this kiss, I pledge my love to you. Before the gods, I pledge my loyalty to you. Before men, I pledge to you my honor."

With that, Aemond leaned down to capture Levana's lips in a passionate kiss. Levana leaned towards him, deepening the kiss as Aemond wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. The crowd around them began to cheer as the High Septon lifted his arms in a proclamation.

Here in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim Aemond of House Targaryen, Levana of House Velaryon to be man and wife.

One flesh, one heart, one soul - now and forever.

Aemond and Levana pulled away from the kiss, the princess looked up at him and giggled as the prince looked into her eyes and whispered, "I love you, my wife."

Levana smiled in return, "I love you too, my husband."

"Long live Princess Levana! Long Live Prince Aemond!" The High Septon shouted as the crowd began to cheer the same phrase.

Aemond leaned his forehead against Levana's, his arms still wrapped around her waist, "all the wait for you was worth it, my love."

Levana smiled at him as the Kingsguard began to escort the guests back into their carriages for the wedding party at the Red Keep. Queen Alicent approached the couple with a smile on her face, "a carriage awaits the both of you."

Aemond nodded as he held Levana's hand tightly, "I shall accompany my wife to her chambers when we arrive at the Red Keep," he stated, "I do believe that she needs to change."

Queen Alicent raised a brow, "I have my doubts."

Aemond shook his head, "mother, please trust us," he chuckled, "I won't hold her for long."

With that, the prince carried his wife in his arms before rushing to the carriage to avoid the Queen. Once their carriage doors closed, Aemond pulled Levana to his lap, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"I love you," Aemond whispered, "gods, I love you."

Levana smiled, shifting their positions slightly so she straddled him before placing her hands on his face, "and I love you with all my heart, my husband."

"My wife," Aemond whispered, capturing Levana's lips in another kiss, "I waited so long to do that."

"Now you don't have to wait," Levana responded, "nor hold back as I am yours now and you are mine."

The prince's gaze shifted slightly, there was a slight change in the atmosphere as Aemond held Levana's cheek, pulling her closer to him, "tonight, after the celebration, we will completely belong to each."

Levana nodded, stealing a kiss from Aemond before moving to sit down opposite his groom.

"Behave," Levana smiled, "we still have to face the crowd."

Aemond chuckled, "yes, my beloved, yes." 

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