Chapter 1

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Fallon's POV...
    Ever since I arrived at the academy...which was like five minutes ago, I've hated it. Well of course I enjoy pulling pranks and battling, but I have yet to get to that point. "Fal!" Gwenni waves rushing over. Gwenni might be my best...and only friend, but man that girl has so much energy. "Let's move into our dorm already! We're roomies!" she squeals. I sigh but give in.
    We walk up quite a few flights of stairs. She calls "dibs" on the one closer to the kitchen. I go into my dorm and unpack my clothes and books. I slide on my black backless crop top with a rhinestone chain draped across the back with white high-waisted booty shorts and heeled black combat boots. I pull my hair into a sleek low ponytail. My eyeliner and dark red lipstick is already done so I'm finished getting ready.
"FAL!" I hear her yell from her room nanoseconds before she bursts in. "What?" I groan. "We have to go to the armory to get our weapons," she jumps. "I just finished getting dressed, and we're going already?" I complain. "Stop whining," she says. I huff but concede anyway.
We finally get to the armory and it's huge. There's only one man in least visible. He's tall with a strong build. You can see his muscles rippling underneath his thin white shirt. He's facing away from us. His hair is dark brown. Honestly reminds me of dark chocolate which is making me hungry. "Oh my goodness," Gwenni says rushing over. The man turns and locks eyes with me before looking at Gwenni who is touching everything she possibly can. His eyes are like literal fire. "May I help you?" he asks Gwenni. "Me and my friend are here to pick up our weapons. I'm Gwenni," she says. I look around at the racks of weapons and armor. "Last name?" he asks. "Hadley. My friend's is Fallon Gryffon," she answers. "Gryffon?" he asks seeming shocked. "Surprised or scared?" I glare walking over to them. He towers over the both of us surprisingly. Gwenni is only 5'4" but I'm tall. He's just a giant. "Neither. You're just the hot topic on campus," he shrugs. "You both have armored uniforms to pick up too right?" he asks. Gwenni nods. When he says that it's armored, he doesn't mean full armored suits. He means it's combative suits-bodysuits for girls..pants and a top for men- with armor on it. They're jet black with royal blue and white accents. We rarely wear these but we have to have them. They're mainly just for wars. For combat, we wear athletic clothers. They want us to train without the suits so we don't rely on them. "Try these on," the man says to us handing us each a suit. "What's your name anyway?" Gwenni asks taking the suit. "Conan," he says. I go to take my shoes off before Gwenni tugs me. "We change in the bathroom," she scolds. "I was just going to slip it on over my clothes but okay," I roll my eyes.
    We change and go back out. "Mine fits perfectly!" Gwenni exclaims. "Thank you!" she finishes going back to change. "Mine is too big," I sigh. "Are you sure?" he asks. I nod. "Do you mind?" he asks reaching for my waists. I shake my head. He pulls the extra material in his hands. "Strange," he says. His body radiates heat. "Come see," he says. He pulls out a list of measurements. "27 waist, 37 hips, 34 bust and you're 5'10"?" he reads. "Yes that's right," I respond. "Clearly not," he runs a hand through his hair. "Go change so I can measure you myself," he dictates. "K," I shrug.
   I change back into my clothes and quickly head back out. He wraps a tape measurement around me. His fingers keep grazing over my skin. "You're now a 24 waist, 34.4 hips, and a 32 bust," he says. "Conan that can't be right," I say. "Did you lose weight?" he asks. I look down at myself. "Might've," I admit. "I'll fix this and get it to you when it's done," he says. I nod. He hands me a shield with daggers all attached to the inside. "So I just pull these out when I need it?" I ask referring to the daggers. He nods. "Try the dagger strap to make sure it fits," Conan says. I nod. I put it on my thigh and slide a long jeweled dagger in. "Perfect," I say. He nods.

A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks for reading my story. Feedback of any kind is much appreciated! It drives me to write more. Love you all. ~B.B.

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