Chapter 2 - ♤

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I was walking around Tokyo. I really wanted to find a new person. Should I just join a game tonight? It will add more days to my visa..I really want to see Chishiya again. I'd really like to become his friend. I really wanted to know though..Who's behind these sick games and how can we return to our world? I keep asking myself those questions. Surely there's a gamemaster that's behind all of this. You know what? I'll just join a game tonight.

I followed one of the arrows and arrived at a huge building that looked like an office. There are 3 other people. I saw a guy walking up to me. He looked..friendly.

"Hi, Nice to meet you. I'm Arisu." Arisu said.

"Hello, I'm Y/n." I said and smiled.

"I hope this isn't a hearts game because that would suck. I lost 2 of my friends in 7 of hearts.." Arisu said.

"Oh..I'm terribly sorry for your loss.." I said.

"It's alright..They are in a better place now." Arisu said and smiled.

"Registration is now closed. Total players : 4. Difficulty : Two of Spades. Game name : Human elevator. Time limit : 1 hour."

Human elevator..? What kind of name is that? Well..Let's hope I don't die. I need to remember Chishiya's words.. "And newbie..What was your name again? Y/n? Well..Don't get yourself killed."

I saw a young girl who looked pretty getting ready. She looked like she could fight.

"You see her? She's my best friend. Her name is Usagi." Arisu said.

"She's really cool" I said in amazement.

"Rules : Players must hang onto the bottom of an elevator as it rises to the top of a building.It is GAME CLEAR if the player manages to hold onto the elevator the entire game.It is GAME OVER if the player falls off the elevator."

Let's just hope I don't fall off..

"Good luck y/n!" Arisu said.

"You too!" I replied.

I grabbed onto an elevator and it started going up. This is actually really easy.

"Seems too easy to be true." Usagi said.

"You're right. Maybe something is going to happen." Arisu said.

All of a sudden..The elevator stopped.

"Um..Arisu?!" I shouted.

'Y/n! It's okay! This is one of the tricks..Don't fall off! Hang on!" Arisu said.

"I can't hold it any longer.." A guy said and he fell off causing him to die. I definitely don't want to end up like him. The elevator started moving again. Yes!!

"Usagi, Y/n! We can do this!" Arisu yelled out.

The elevator stopped for about 2 minutes and started going up again. How long will this last?

Arisu and Usagi already were at the top. I wasn't there yet. This is so hard..

"Arisu..I can't do it anymore!" I said.

"You can! I know you can!" Arisu said.

All of a sudden, I lost my grip and I almost fell. "Arisu!!!" I cried.

"I'm coming!! Usagi, Hold my legs..I'm going to help y/n up." Arisu said. Usagi nodded and smiled.

Arisu pulled his arms down for me to grab onto. Usagi and Arisu pulled me up and we all won.

"Thank you Arisu and Usagi. Thank you so much." I said and hugged each one of them.

"Game cleared. Congratulations. We will now provide the players with a 2 day visa."

We all walked out and I was about to leave but Arisu tapped me.

"Hey Y/n, Usagi and I were wondering if you'd like to stick with us." Arisu said.

"Yeah, You'd be a great help for us two. We surely need someone like you!" Usagi said.

"I'd love to hang around with you two!" I said and smiled.

We 3 left and went to where Arisu and Usagi were staying. A tent.

"Usagi..Do you think we can ever return to our world?" I asked.

Usagi looked at me. "Of course I think so." Usagi said.

Arisu came and sat down with us girls. "You know, I might just have an answer." Arisu said.

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

"The beach. Let's leave first thing in the morning and look for it. We'll ask people too if they know anything about the beach." Arisu said.

"That's not a bad idea." Usagi said.

"True, I'm in!" I said and smiled. I feel like Arisu and Usagi..are my true friends.

                                                        The next day

I woke up and I saw the two were already awake. 

"Good morning Y/n!" Arisu said.

"We just finished packing everything. Let's go to the different arenas tonight and ask people about the beach. We will each have a walkie talkie." Usagi said.

A few hours later it became night. Usagi was at one place. Arisu was at another place. I was at the other.

"Okay, guys. Let's go ask people if they know anything." Arisu said on the walkie talkie.

"Excuse me, Do you know anything about the beach..?" I asked a man.

"What? Are you crazy? Just leave me alone, I gotta play a game." The man said.

Okay so no luck for me.

Usagi, Arisu, and I all went to meet up together.

"No luck for me" I said.

"I got nothing" Usagi said.

"I think there is something. Did you guys see wrest bands on their wrest?" Arisu asked

Usagi and I both nodded.

"Okay, Let's all see if an arena is still open and then lets go follow those people." Arisu said.

We 3 went to an arena and waited until the people with the wrest bands got out.

"NOW!!" Arisu yelled out. 

Us 3 were running after the cars that had the people with the wrest bands in it and then suddenly, we saw a place.

"Is..this the beach?" I asked. Before I knew it I saw someone putting a bag around my face.

Usagi, Arisu, and I are tied down to a chair and we saw other people standing there.

                                                      " the beach!!"

A/N : I am trying to make this similar to the show and to my own imagination. So sorry. Stay safe :)

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