Charles: The day before I proposed. So we had to keep it quiet for the past few weeks, which hasn't been easy. But I was absolutely determined that it was going to be as near a secret as possible on the actual day.

ITN: No actual time of when and where the wedding will be?

Charles: No, there is a lot to be decided, but it has been decided that the wedding would be in the later half of July. I think would be a useful time for a lot of different reasons. [Looks at Diana] But the actual place we're still talking about it.

ITN: So you met Lady Diana the day she came to interview for the nanny position for your sons Prince William and Harry.

Charles: Yes

Diana: Yes


ITN: Could you find the words, to sum up how you feel the both of you?

Charles: We're really happy and very delighted

Diana: Yes very happy

ITN: I suppose in love?

Diana: Of course

Charles: Yes, very much in love [kisses the back of Diana's hand]

ITN: Well congratulations

Charles & Diana: Thank you

ITN: Thank you for your time

Charles: Your welcome

Diana: Your welcome

After the interview was over the couple heads to Charles' apartment where William and Harry run to the door.

"Hi Ms. Spencer," both boys run up to Diana hugging her.

"Hello boys," Diana replies coming down to hug them. This is the first time she has got to see them since she came back from her trip to Australia.

"We missed you!" Harry exclaims.

"Yes, we missed you! Can we go with you next time?" William asks.

Diana giggles as she cups the boy's cheeks, "maybe next time. I missed you two very much. I have something for the both of you."

"Candy?" William asks.

"Toys?" Harry adds.

"Sorry Wills no candy, but you and Harry will like it,"!Diana replies, "I will have someone bring it over later."

"Ok," both boys reply before hugging Diana again.

"Ms. Spencer, are you going to stay with us forever?" Harry asks almost pleading.

"Yeah, daddy says he's going to ask you to marry him?" William follows up.

Diana looks up at Charles and he nods. He wanted to wait until Diana came back from her trip to tell them.

"Yes. I told you father I would marry him, "Diana replies.

"Yay!!!" Wills and Harry exclaim excitedly.

Later that evening the two of them sit on the sofa wrapped in each other's arms.

"You did great today," Charles says before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, I was so nervous," Diana sighs.

"I couldn't tell, I guess I was too distracted by your beauty," Charles replies his voice husky, brushing his lips against hers.

Before she can reply he kisses her passionately. A kiss is so passionate he hopes she can feel how much he's in love with her. A kiss so searingly hot, that the fireplace isn't the only thing heating the room.

"Papa?" They hear a little voice.

Charles moves and sees William and Harry standing in front of them. From the look on their faces, they are both confused. Clearing his throat Charles acknowledges his sons.

"Boys is everything alright?"

"Papa, what are you doing to Ms. Spencer?" William asks.

Diana covers her face with her hands as she feels embarrassed to be caught by the inquisitive five and three-year-old.

"I was just, giving her a kiss," Charles replies.


"Because I wanted to show her how much I love her."

"Can I give Ms. Spencer a kiss?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, we love Ms. Spencer too," William adds.

Charles smiles, "Diana would you mind if the boys give you a kiss?"

"No I wouldn't," Diana replies.

"You can kiss her on the cheek," Charles instructs the boys as they climb onto the sofa. The lips are mine he thinks to himself.

Harry kisses Diana on the cheek before she kisses him on the cheek in return. Then William follows behind his brother.

"Ms. Spencer, will you live here with us?" William asks.

"Yes, once your father and I get married."


"I don't know yet, but soon."

"Can you read us a bedtime story before you leave?"

"Of course, I will."

Later that night Charles is lying in bed staring at the ceiling. All he can think about was how amazing Diana was today despite her being so nervous. Also how good it felt to hold her and kiss her after not seeing her for two weeks.

Those two weeks she was gone felt like she was going to be gone forever. Plus the dreams of her were torture. One night they were innocent then the next night completely X-rated. The X-rated ones had him hopping into a cold shower as soon as he woke up. He prays soon the day will come when his fantasies will be acted out in reality.

*Please note: *Most of the interview is directly quoted from the interview Prince Charles and Lady Diana did when they announced their engagement. Some lines are altered to fit the storyline.*

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