7. The Sonic Movies

Start from the beginning

Then they arrived in San Francisco and entered Rachel's house. But Rachel tried everything to keep them from coming in before Maddie interfered. "Yikes! And I thought Amy was scary!" I said as we saw the sisters argue. "Really?" Movie Sonic asked me in surprise. "She's terrifying when she's angry." I replied as they all looked at a picture I had that showed Amy with her hammer. "Whoa, that is a big hammer she's got there! Is that why she's scary when she's angry?" Movie Sonic asked. "Yep, she normally threatens to beat people with it, especially Eggman's robots. So it's best to stay on her good side if you ever meet your world's version of her." I replied as I put the picture away.

Then we saw Robotnik chasing Movie Sonic around the world, thanks to Movie Sonic using his portal rings right before he got blasted through the final one in Egypt that led to Green Hills. Seeing him so still and beat up like that was too much for me as I remembered he was much younger than I was when it came to this. I saw Marina put her hands over mouth in horror right before hugging Sonic, who was stunned too. "Oh gosh. No wonder you thought I was dead for a few moments there! You couldn't even see my chest rise and fall with my breaths!" Movie Sonic finally said as tears fell from his eyes and as he turned to look at his parents. He then immediately hugged them tightly. "I love you guys! I don't know where I'd be without you!" Movie Sonic said as he cried in their arms. It didn't take him long to calm down, though he stayed close to them for the rest of the movie.

All of us cheered as we watched Movie Sonic and Tom work together to banish Robotnik to the Mushroom planet. "Whoa what a first adventure!" Marina said once the credits rolled. "Yep, it sure was. Man this was cool to see it through a theatrical lens." Movie Sonic said as he prepared to play the sequel.

It started with showing us Robotnik on the mushroom planet. He looked not only more insane, but completely miserable. I looked over to Movie Sonic, and saw that he was scared. "You weren't kidding Movie, that place is awful! I'm glad you didn't end up there." I said as I did my best to comfort him. Then we saw Robotnik send out a distress beacon, using Movie Sonic's quill and later that night, a ring portal opened. These strange robed beings came through at first, but they were defeated easily by Robotnik. Just as he was about to go through the portal, someone else came through, catching him so off guard that he fell mid run. It was Movie Knuckles! I quickly looked at Movie Sonic, who was shaking nervously. Me and Marina immediately hugged him. This Knuckles was very intimidating, which was the last thing I expected, and he had a slightly buffer build. When he spoke his voice was deep, even more so than Modern Knuckles! And they planned to go after Movie Sonic. What was most surprising of all, was that he didn't need to be tricked into attacking Movie Sonic, because he was already after him! "Whoa, that guy is terrifying!" I said, which was rare for me to say.

Then we saw Movie Sonic stopping a bank robbery in Seattle. "Whoa, interesting start to your heroic career." I said as I giggled. "Well that's main time line me only. As for me, never did that kind of work." Movie Sonic reassured. "Well that's good to know." I said in relief.

Then we saw Movie Sonic, and Tom go fishing, but Movie Sonic was asleep from being out so late last night and fell over board! What was strange was that he couldn't swim, since the Movie Sonic next to me never had that problem. Then Tom gave him some really moving advice.

Then we saw that Tom and Maddie were going to Hawaii for Rachel's wedding. And the way they got there was with a portal ring. "Aww, that's so cute Movie! I'm glad in both timelines you got what you've been wanting for so many years!" I said as the scene played out like they were at an airport. "Me too Modern!" Movie Sonic said in agreement.

Then Movie Sonic did home alone shenanigans that had me laughing to the point of tears! "Wow Movie Sonic, did you ever do that?" I asked as I calmed down my laughter. "Actually no, I haven't." Movie Sonic replied.

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