⁰⁰⁴ Blondie

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to play anymore! P-please! Just take me away already, I can't go on with this game playing card visa bullshit!" She wailed and instantly a red laser came down and went straight through her.

Koichi flinched a little and watched as she stilled and fell on the ground face first with the cards falling on the ground.

Chishiya made a surprised face and he suddenly went over to the dead body and kneeled down to pick up the cards. Koichi walked up behind him and rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh...what are you doing?" Quite unsure of what the man was doing considering he was taking things from a dead body.

Chishiya looked up and a thought instantly made its way into Koichi's head.

'He doesn't look too bad in that position below me.'

Koichi went wide-eyed and shooed that thought away while Chishiya stood and held the cards with a smile on Koichi's face. "These are important. The more you collect, the closer you get to leaving. Or so it's theorised." He said and pocketed the cards leaving Koichi just a little bit confused.

"Collect? You mean the cards?"

"Yes." Chishiya started walking away and Koichi instantly followed him. "You're saying collect those cards," emphasising it by pointing at the blonde's hands, "We can leave? Aren't we in Tokyo though?"

Chishiya stopped and faced Koichi with a stoic look as the brunette tried to wrap his head around the situation.

"Theoretically. The games you play give you cards if you win but you have to get each card and not duplicates, you need all of the suit cards to escape. And...we all agree that we're definitely not in our world" He kept explaining as Koichi bit his lip.

"At least we think." Chishiya added and Koichi nodded in understanding before a random thought popped up in his head.

"So...if we aren't in our world, then what the heck is this place? Like another dimension that we transported in?"

Chishiya chuckled and looked at Koichi. "You love asking questions."

Koichi shrugged and pushed his hood down as the pair continued to walk down the dark streets and Koichi assumed they were just walking without any destination in mind until the blonde stopped.

He faced Koichi then suddenly shoved him in an alley and Koichi's brain obviously malfunctioned in a second as he let the boy shove him against a wall.

"I know we just met but this is a little.." he started but Chishiya shushed him then pulled Koichi's hood over his head.

Koichi then realised the voices that were coming down the streets and it sounded like there were a lot of people. He looked at the blonde who's attention was obviously on the voices, Chishiya grabbed Koichi and switched their places so now Koichi was the one pushing the blonde up against the wall.

"Listen, I don't know what you're doing but if anyone sees this they'll—"

"Be quiet." Chishiya wrapped his arms around Koichi's neck and pulled the brunette down in a way that his body was sort of hiding his white jacket.

Koichi put his hands on the wall and tried to look back but Chishiya kicked his shins instantly bringing his eyes back to the blonde. "Are you serious? That hurt." He whispered harshly but Chishiya just glared at him.

Not knowing what else to do and because he was uncomfortable, Koichi put his forearm against the wall and wrapped his other around Chishiyas waist. It obviously took him by surprise but didn't say anything as the pair became silent once more and Chishiya peeked between the wall and Koichi's hood.

His cat like intently watching and keeping his breathing low.

A group of males were laughing with drinks in their hands as well as guns as they walked past without a care in the world. A few girls trailed behind singing a random song and clinging onto each other.

After a few moments Chishiya sighed and leaned his head back in the wall while Koichi was still confused by what just happened.

Let's be honest the poor boy is just always confused.

"So..." Moichi chuckled, breaking the awkward silence and stared at Chishiya's eyes which bored into his as well. "You got a name, blondie?"

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