getting some answers

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After gathering information from the foster Adams son Brandon on the little girl Francesca who's been missing for two weeks now. We begin searching the whole area of the big bear mountain, talking to local officials to see if they seen a young girl and a older man. We showed them pictures, they all said no
Then we checked out the convince stores. I went into the hardware store
I asked the man behind the counter
Has he seen this guy l pull out the photo and placed it down on the counter, he came in here yesterday and purchased a few things. I felt something was off with him, cause he kept looking around. He paid for his items in cash, l didn't see anybody with him. He said thank you sir you've been very helpful Amanda States, the blonde leaves out the store to go informed her boss what she found out. They got back in the squad car, to continue looking. You know my heart goes to that family, the son was pretty remorseful there gonna need family counseling once this whole ordeal is over detective Rollins says to her commander. It's like this guy doesn't want to be find, we canvas the whole town just about
I have the strangest feeling he's hiding out some place we haven't checked
Sometimes l hate these cases when children are involved Amanda tells Olivia, we stopped by the all night diner to grab a quick bite to eat
is this man as dangerous as they say
Lieutenant Amanda asked. Yes he is detective that's why we need to be extremely careful, Olivia told the young woman. As we enter the diner
We took a booth in the back, how's Alex and the kids doing Amanda asks
Alex finally managed to get the girls on a routine schedule l don't like being away from them by the time I get home their already in bed for the night. Alex's is ready to return back to work, l think she misses the action in the court room. But overall she loves being a mom Olivia explains, won't you guys just hired a nanny Amanda said. Don't let Alex hear you that
I suggested that to her and she made me sleep on the couch for a entire week Olivia replied, the waitress came over with some water. Hi you ladies do tonight what can I get you
The woman Stated, l'm gonna have the chef salad with chicken no onions or tomatoes. And diet Coke Amanda said, l'll have a slice of apple pie and coffee Olivia orders. The wrote down the customers request, and left there tables.

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