Chapter 3

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~ 14 and 15 years old ~ 



"You're on the news!" Chris said. 

"Wait really!" 

I sat down next to Matt who had the new chain he had bought around his neck.

"You look like an idiot. You're wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Why are you wearing a chain?" 

"Why aren't you wearing a chain?" 


I sit back against the couch between Nick and Matt. 


"Did you just stick your tongue out at the camera?"

"I don't even remember this."

I did. I remembered all of it. I wanted Matt to think I was cool. 

~ Present day ~

"Thanks for taking me out tonight guys."

"Anything for you Char!" Chris said softly. 

"I'll see you guys later. Love you guys." 

"Love you too!" Nick spoke with a smile. 

Matt didn't leave until he knew I was in my house. 

"Hey kiddo." My dad said. "How was your night with the triplets?" 

"Great as usual, but I have a question.."

"What's up?" 

"How do you know if you're in love?" 


Matt had pulled into the driveway of their house and the three of them had walked inside. Chris went to take a shower, while Matt and Nick sat on the couch scrolling on their phones until Nick finally spoke.

"What's up with you and Charlotte?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm not stupid. I know you and Charlotte have something going on." 

"Really, we don't." 

"Friends don't look at friends that way, Matt. You love her.."

Matt put his phone down and turned to Nick. 

"You know that feeling when you want to make a move, but you can't and you hope someone interrupts?"

"Yeah? Is that how your feeling with Charlotte?"

"Yes, and I want to do something, but I keep chickening out."

Nick leaned back against the couch a bit.

"Both times I walked in on you and Char you were about to kiss her. Weren't you?" 

"Yes, and I feel like I'm going fucking insane!" 

"That there buddy, is love."

"You're telling me that I'm in love with Charlotte?" 

"That's exactly what I'm saying." 

"How do you know?"

"I just know. I see the way you look at her Matt. You can't just keep telling yourself you're just friends when you know for a fact there's something more." 

That was the most factual thing that Nick had ever said. Matt didn't know what to say. He sat there for a good moment before speaking again. 

"What if you are right, but she's not like into me like that."

"Are you an idiot. I know you saw her playlist. You know she's into you. You're just overthinking it like you always do. Look, pick her up from school tomorrow and go from there." 

"Right, I'm gonna head to bed." 

"Alright. Night kid." 

That Way ~ Matthew SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now