"We'll I just couldn't resist seeing you" he jokes. I narrow my eyes at him.

"I'm kidding Dylan was giving me a ride home but had to pick Haley up first" he says, noticing the look i gave him.

I nod my head at him watching the game again. "Didn't know you were so interested in baseball" he says to me watching the game.

"There's a lot you don't know about me" I mutter back. He turns his head a little towards me.

"That is true" Will agrees. "So how was your day" he asks.

"We don't have to make conversation" i say to him. "Well we don't, but I want to" he says. I'm gonna need therapy after this.

"Well I don't care what you want" I say looking at the game instead of him.

"I think me and Will are gonna wait in the car" Dylan says. Will looks one last time at me before standing up with Dylan.

"Okay" dad says.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Dunphy, Good seeing you again Mrs. Dunphy" Will says to my parents before walking away with Dylan.

"Hey if you're on your way out can you grab the garbage" dad asks them. "- I got it" mom says. "Okay we got it" dad says to them.

"Dylan's a little jumpy" dad says. Mom starts cleaning up the living room. "Go figure, two teenage boys don't want to hangout with the father of Dylan's girlfriend" mom says.

"I thought me and Dylan were past all that, and Will didn't seem to mind watching the game" dad says. I ignore their conversation and watch the match.

"I'm all about.. I'm all about taking it to the next level" dad says taking his shoe, then putting them back on.

"Really I though you were all about keeping it real" mom says folding a blanket up. "Yes but the whole point of keeping it real is so you can take it to the next level" dad says, as if it so obvious.

"You haven't exactly taken it to the next level with my dad" mom says. "What are you talking about" dad asks mom.

"We've been married for 16 years and you still walk on eggshells around him" mom says putting a coaster under my strawberry lemonade.

"What? Are you kidding? Jay and I are total buds" dad says. I laugh out loud. "Me when I lie" I mutter.

"Anyway it was nice seeing Will again" mom says. I mentally groan. "How do you know Will" dad asks mom.

Mom then looks at me with a stern face. "Will is the one that warned mom that I was on a date with Calum Holt" I say nervously.

"Ooh that Will" dad says standing up from the couch. He grabs a tray with 4 beers. "I like him, he seems responsible".

"Hey dad, where you are going" I ask him.

"I am going to bond with jay" dad says to mom and me.

He then walks out the door.

The doorbell goes. I stand up and walk towards the door. I open the door to see Manny and Gloria. I smile at them and let them in. "Hey Gloria, Hey Manny" I greet them. "Hola Maddy" Gloria says.

We all walk towards the kitchen. "Manny brought his favorite game to play with Luke" Gloria says to mom.

"It's called Empire, you use strategy to expand territories and take over the world" Manny explains. Mom nods. "Luke is going to love that. He's out back playing.

"Do you need me to get you something while I'm out shopping" Gloria asks mom.

"That's such a nice offer but I think we're good. Thanks" mom says to Gloria declining her offer. I turn to Gloria.

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