"Why such strange amounts? And why are they different?"

"A simple person can only shake the minimum out of the ruler of the world," I explained. "If for concerns and conglomerates the minimum is one million, then for an ordinary person it is a kilogram of average-quality potatoes. Now this kilogram is worth two brang eighty tungs. Probate and divorce lawyers, according to the newspapers, always take half of what the client will receive in court. All that's easy."

"But why potatoes?" The lawyer was puzzled.

"A kilogram of potatoes per day... or rice, it depends on the region... It means that a person will not die of hunger. This isn't enough for a healthy diet, it will not clothe, will not shelter from the weather, will not warm the house, but a kilogram of potatoes or rice is the ultimate minimum, below which life is impossible. Therefore, if you want to understand and appreciate everything that is connected with money, property, world stock price and all that, count through kilоgrams of medium-quality potatoes."

"Just don't say such nonsense in front of Mr. Terrent," the lawyer said squeamishly.

"I don't need to talk with him at all," I replied. "There are you for this kind of thing. And you will clarify to the old goat that for me his conglomerate is more of a burden than a profit. TGS has a lot of hemorrhoids, but zero pleasure. Therefore, I choose my share of the inheritance, and I do not want to know anything further about either my father or his family."

"No one," said the lawyer with icy malice, "dares to refuse Mr. Terrent. And no one dares to talk about him in such a tone."

I snorted and took out my smartphone.

"I'll repeat it all on social networks. The tabloids will be delighted. And Mr. Terrent will shit himself reading what they have to say about him."

The lawyer was not a fool, he assessed the situation instantly, and the most amiable smile bloomed on his face.

"Don't rush, Miss. The tabloids will make you uncomfortable too."

I, not yet suspecting where I had gotten myself into, grunted at the word "Miss" — the lawyer seems to have jumped out of the pre-hippie era, and does not know that if he speaks the northern dialect of Alnorrian, then he must use "Ms" or "Mx" — and I explained mockingly: "The tabloids will make a great ad for a candy shop. And for free!"

"But silence and advertising in quarterly forums are more useful for a family-oriented and nerd-oriented establishment." The lawyer's smile got even sweeter.

I shrugged. In general, he is right. Candy shops are only of interest to parents and quiet, solitude-loving enthusiasts of all sorts of individualistic hobbies — even when people order sweets for parties and weddings, they still choose the family-singleton shop, it's verified.

"Revenge tastes better than money," I replied. "In addition, the profit lost on the noise can be compensated by interview fees. And when the noise subsides, the candy shop will work as before. It will be even better than before: the scandal will be quickly forgotten, and the name of the place where there are sweets will settle in the subconscious of people. But a large enterprise will only have losses, and people will remember that it was involved in some kind of dirty scandal, so it's better to look for products from other companies. Everyone hates super-rich people and only remembers bad things about them."

The lawyer's face twisted.

"You are very practical for a young girl," he hissed.

"Practicality is the most important thing for a girl," I was a little surprised at his remark. "So the granny said to me, and her granny told her. Fools can run conglomerates and concerns because for them the board of directors and a crowd of managers work. But a simple pastry woman or a lawyeress can only rely on herself."

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