chapter 4 | lights out and away we go

Start from the beginning

Her eyebrows did furrow and she scrunched her nose when Sebastian's car started to shut down, causing him to lose drive and pretty much the race.

Cassandra turned to Gareth so fast she was surprised her neck didn't crack. "What is going on?" Her hand gestured at the television as if Gareth was one of the mechanics who could answer what was wrong with Sebastian's car.

"Engine problems I assume? That's a shame." His tone didn't sound as distressed as Cassandra's had sounded. "Well, that sucks. He's DNF-ing."

She had to check herself on the way she'd gotten a bit too invested there. "He's not finishing?" Gareth shook his head, looking at her like it was obvious by the way his car just stopped moving. "Isn't he supposed to be the champion?"

"What do you want him to do? Steal another car to finish the race? Come on, Cass." Gareth chuckled, and Abigail seemed to agree with him by the sound she made from her own side of the sofa. It sounded like an amused snort.

Cassandra side-eyed her for less than a second.

"Great, I'm interviewing a guy who isn't even leading the whole thing." She huffed in annoyance. Her mind went to Sebastian again, was he upset? Disappointed? Maybe sad? Cassandra flushed those thoughts away. That wasn't relevant to her.

Gareth raised his eyebrows. "Mark's still in the race you know, and also in the standings for the championship." Cassandra threw him one of her cold glares. "I'm just pointing it out, don't look at me like that." He patted her knee.

Abigail smiled at her in a sweet way and placed the chips bowl in her lap when Cassandra leaned against the sofa in some kind of peace offering, or perhaps for her to stuff her mouth with chips and shut up. Somehow she had now lost any kind of interest in the race. Mark's still there, the other guy you have to interview as well. It's not only about the blonde one.

The rest of the whole thing was pretty uneventful, according to Cassandra's absolutely non-biased opinion at least. When the race was finally over, she even watched the post-race celebrations, that at least looked like fun. Her brain managed to make that about the German driver as well, reminding her of the pictures she had seen of Sebastian on the podium, all smiles while being showered in champagne. She wondered if that was real champagne, and how that tasted. If success was as sweet as it looked on the screen.

After most of the celebrations were over, they showed the standings for the championship again while the SkySports guys just babbled and babbled about the race. The man who had won it was leading, Mark was second, and there was no sign of Sebastian. At least not in the top three. Something was irking her, weirdly enough for someone who had no knowledge of what Formula 1 was before.

"That was a nice experience for your first time watching a Formula 1 race, right?" Abigail put her arm around her shoulders.

Cassandra looked at her. "Aha, sure."

"Is it because Sebastian didn't win?" Her friend pulled her best suggestive tone, and Cassandra just knew Abigail was trying really hard to not snort and continue the teasing.

"Fuck off, Abigail." She took her arm off her shoulders and rolled her eyes.

Gareth was staring at them. "Am I missing something?" His eyes flickered to Cassandra, and he pointed a finger at her. "You promised you wouldn't sleep with him." Abigail loudly cackled.

"You both are going straight to hell. I swear." Cassandra stood from her position on the sofa, looking down at them with murderous eyes. "I'm not down for this nonsense. I'll get something to drink, meanwhile, you guys can stop thinking that I fuck everything that moves. Aren't we in the age of rising feminism? This isn't very feminist from both of you."

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