Chapter One | Process

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Chapter One | Process


A series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end.

The new-born lay still, sleep peacefully etched into the soft folds on her face. Even when the small wafer of metal gleamed exotically in the precision hands of the forceps, and then pulsed slowly under her skin, she didn't quiver for all the invasiveness the procedure involved.

However, as the chip slowly integrated its complex circuitry, its tendrils spread out over an area around the small scar on the pearly palm, the pulsing began brighter and faster. It began to beat with the same energy and ferocity as the girl's heart and it shared in the moment, for its fate was now entwined with hers. It would share the memory of her first step, and every single one after that, it would become her, unique and individual. It would hold her past and influence her future. Even if she were to forget, the moment would live on in the code.

In this brave new world, her Micro was her gateway to the Holo. And there wasn't a minute when the small girl wouldn't need that link. Her Micro would dutifully open doors, alert Miss Harrow of Outreach Orphanage when she fell and scraped the skin clean over her knee and identify her to that night-shift policeman who found her far into the city after that night when the rain covered her escape.

Sometimes, the girl would resent the beating metal heart; it had grown since April 405 and the glow was only visible on the darkest of nights but it still sat in the centre of her palm. She'd hate it when it gave away her school grades when she'd tried so hard to avoid telling to Mrs Thompson, when it stored the heated messages after that argument with Suzie on her 14th birthday and kept nagging her to remember her medical appointments weeks in advanced.

The girl had tried to change the Micro's programming but by now it was part of her. And with a million pound inheritance waiting to be transferred by her Micro on her eighteenth birthday, the risk made her shy away. But the possibility within the Micro at times seemed limitless.

But as everything does, the Micro had its limitations. After all it was just a piece of emotionless machinery implanted into a human host, almost like a parasite feeding off memories and moments. It could guess and predict things and pretend it knew every detail of your life, but it could never know for sure.

So that particular Micro had no solid evidence showing that Kaylee Valadez was not like the others. No way of knowing that I was different.


A/N: Thanks to my lovely brother for very very heavily editing it. Like so heavily he basically rewrote it. But thanks. And thanks for saying you absolutely hated editing it. Also guys, this is like a second prologue so you will probably not get what I'm on about at the moment, but trust me in the next few chapters you will understand ^_^ And the rest of the story will be in first person

{Picture of Suzie to the side}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2013 ⏰

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