New Teammate

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"Alright guys! Huddle Up!"
The volleyball coach yelled.
All the boys dropped the volleyball's and quickly wiped their sweat off. They ran to the middle of the court. The coach took off his hat and put down his clipboard.
"I want you all to welcome our new student and new player, Kuse. He will be joining this team, Jakob can you show him around?"
The coach asked and Kuse walked to Jakob.
Jakob greeted Kuse with a bright smile. Kuse was huge, probably as tall as the net. He had decent muscles and had glasses. Jakob was the complete opposite, he was a normal size and could barely lift a desk. He knew Kuse would be popular especially in this school.

Jakob practiced with Kuse the whole time. Then when practice ended everyone started to head home but Kuse and Jakob walked together. It turned out that they both lived in the same apartment. Kuse had just moved in with his mom.
"How about you hang out with me and friends for lunch tomorrow?"
Jakob asked.
Kuse grew the biggest smile and nodded, he was finally going to have a friend group.

The next day...
Jakob walked into school and immediately got greeted by everyone. He was really popular since elementary. Even now as a Junior in High school everybody loved him.
Then he felt a huge tug on his arm, it was his girlfriend, Liberty.
"Heyy babe."
She said while walking with him.
"Hey Liberty."
He replied with no excitement.
They all walked in as the bell rang. Jakob and Liberty sat down in the back of the class. Most of the students were there talking and waiting for the teacher. But then Kuse walked in, this was great, Jakob had a another friend in his class. He gestured Kuse to sit in the back. Kuse smiled and pointed at one of the chairs next to Jakob. But then Jakob and Liberty shook their head, that chair belonged to someone and they didn't want Kuse making the mistake of sitting there. Kuse nodded his head and sat beside the "taken" chair.
A few seconds passed as Liberty fixed her makeup and the boys talked. Then the class went silent. Kuse immediately stood up straight, was the teacher here? Was it something serious? But when he turned, Jakob was rolling his eyes, like this was normal. The classroom door opened and in came a beautiful girl. She had straight bangs with a long ponytail and she was naturally pretty. She didn't wear any makeup except for lip gloss and mascara. But she wasn't a teacher, she had the same uniform as every other girl. She walked in with no emotion as all the students looked scared. Then she sat down on THE chair. That was her chair?? Kuse looked at his seat partner with fear. How could this pretty girl make this whole class silent? She didn't look innocent like Liberty but she also didn't look scary.
The whole back row was taken now, with Kuse and the girl in one desk and Jakob with Liberty on the other desk. Once the teacher walked in, everyone paid attention and learned.
Then lunch came...
The girl reach into her backpack and took out a lunch bag. Kuse waited for the right time to stand up, he didn't know what this girl could do.
"Who are you?"
The girl asked staring at the board.
Kuse looked around making sure she was talking to him.
He got cut off.
"Who told you that you could sit there?"
She asked still not looking at him. She had sounded so serious, it was uncomfortable.
Kuse started to stutter.
"I told him he could sit there Nora. Now cmon Elle's waiting for us."
Jakob joined in with so much confidence.
He wasn't scared of Nora at all. Nora looked at Kuse as she sat up. Her stare was fierce.
"You coming?"
Jakob asked Kuse.
Kuse smirked and stood up.
As they walked Jakob grabbed Nora's lunch bag.
"What'd you get today?"
He asked opening it. Nora rolled her eyes and stole her lunch bag back.
It was clear that they were all good friends and Kuse hoped to be apart of that one day.
Everybody walked down to the cafeteria. As the two boys grabbed lunch, the girls sat on the table with their lunch bags.
"So is she always like that?"
Kuse asked holding on to his lunch tray.
"Who Nora? Yeah she never really smiles, but the main reason is because it's really hard to make her happy."
Jakob responded while getting chicken tenders on his tray.

The boys sit on the table with their trays. Nora begins to eat her sandwich. Kuse was stuck on Nora, he looked at her the whole time. Then Elle came out of nowhere. She put her tray down and sat next to Nora. Elle was gorgeous, her hair was down and curled. For some reason even her uniform looked prettier then the rest of the girls. She gave off an innocent look but looked like a breath of fresh air. It was sad, but Liberty was the ugliest in the group but one of the prettiest in the whole school.
"Hey Elle"
Jakob fretted her with a soft voice and a gentle smile. He was different around her.
"Hi Jakob."
Elle replied with smile.
It almost as if the world stopped between the two, they looked into each other's eyes with so much tension.
"Is this a new bracelet?"
Nora said out loud looking at Elle's hand and dropping sandwich crumbs.
"Yeah, you like it?"
Elle replied with a smile.
"Yeah, did they have purple?"
Nora asked and sipped her juice.
Jakob smiles then looked at Liberty. She was holding her makeup mirror and patted her face with a makeup sponge. That's all Liberty did, she looked at herself 24/7. She was a beautiful girl, but not so much personality wise.
Kuse ate and just thought about things, things like Nora.
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
Elle asked looking at Kuse.
"Oh sorry forgot. This is Kuse, he's apart of the group now. So be nice."
Jakob introduced and looked specifically at Nora for that last line.
Elle said with her comforting smile.

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