To Wake Next To You

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Hi everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Elliot. This is my first FMAB fanfiction.

I had the idea of both Hawkeye and Mustang squabbling in the morning over who had to make the coffee, and using their experiences together as an argument for not getting up. I also see them both working through a lot of trauma with bdsm together but also having lazy morning sex when the mood hits them.

I did my best to write it entirely in Mustang's point of view, so no visual descriptions because of this, and I hope that works. I hope you enjoy! I'd love a comment if you do!

CW: Lazy morning sex. Mentions of BDSM/bondage/masochism, light dom/sub interactions, blind character, mentions of past traumas throughout series (Ishvalan war, takeover Central, Lust), mentions of chronic pain


The morning sun was just hitting the tops of the homes along the Central skyline when Mustang woke, and it warmed his cheek through the window. He must have forgotten to close the curtains before he'd fallen asleep.

He blinked slowly, allowing the light to warm his skin. After a few minutes of sleepy relaxation, Mustang fumbled for his clock. Havoc had taken out the glass after Mustang was blinded, so he could tell the time without waking someone up to check it for him.

Half nine.

An acceptable time, considering it was his day off. He set his clock down again and dropped his arm above his head. The cotton on the pillow above him was cool against his bare forearm. Mustang sighed and turned on his back. The sheets soothed his skin, sore from exhaustion caused by overworking. Maybe Riza was right - he could afford to take another day off here or there each month. With his choice pawns and Lieutenants back, chances of mistakes due to sheer incompetence were low.

Speaking of...

Mustang turned onto his other side, back facing the window now.

Riza was still lying beside him, and he reached out, touch light in case he fumbled, to brush his fingers against her arm. Her hair spilled loose over her scarred back, so she was sleeping on her stomach again. Mustang smiled and shifted closer to her.

She was the only person he'd ever wanted to fall asleep next to, and wake up with the next day.

Riza snored softly and her breath hit Mustang's face hot. She was facing him, then. Mustang carefully wrapped an arm around her waist and ran his thumb over the scar at the base of her hip. It was the one covering the specifics of using pinpoint flame alchemy - Mustang's specialty.

He shifted, propping himself up on his elbow. A crease in the sheets pressed up into his skin. He moved off the crease and then leaned down, pressing kisses along Riza's shoulders. His lips brushed over the thickest scar on her back - the one that covered the information on the steps to actually learn flame alchemy. He'd always felt bad about that one in particular.

It cut across her shoulders diagonally, knotted up above her spine, and still gave her pain when she was in the North or whenever the weather was taking a turn for the worse. One time, when he still had his sight, Mustang had visited Riza to find her planking against the wall, shoulder bones pressed back. He'd rang the doorbell and knocked twice before using the key under the mat.

She had apologised for making him let himself in, and explained that the exercise helped her stretch out the angry scar tissue when it was bad. The worse it was, the longer she had to stretch it.

To Wake Next To You | Royai One-ShotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora