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Outer Banks, the Chateau
July 11th, 2020

"I swear, if they were right there, just in front of me, two on one, I'd beat them up easily," JJ explained.

After we had found the compass, Kiara had more or less begged me to stay over and since I had texted my mom and she was fine with it, I stayed. I had not told my parents about Rafe and I yet, but it was okay, because it didn't matter in this exact moment and I didn't have to think of him. They knew I was with Kiara and her friends but it didn't seem like a problem and they liked that I enjoyed my summer holidays and relaxed. Honestly, they were good parents to me, even though sometimes we argued, I could not complain. So I was here, on the couch in John B's living-room, spending time with people I didn't know two days earlier. But it felt good.

"You're saying this just because you're frustrated you didn't get to save us and I did!" Kiara laughed at JJ's face, a beer in her hand.

We all laughed and as my phone kept ringing in my pocket I slowly walked out of the Chateau, apologising with head motions. I went outside, sitting on the floor of the small terrace. I sighed as I grabbed it and noticed all my calls and texts were still from Rafe. Ever since we had broken up, he didn't stop. And it wasn't only to have me back, but he just always had an excuse to text or call, and it drove me insane that no matter how hard I tried not to think of him, he happened to remind me he existed. All the time.

I stayed alone for a few, looking at the dark yard that allowed me to see a part of the marsh reflecting the moon, and I caught myself thinking the landscapes in front of me were beautiful, even at night. I didn't spend much time on the Cut, usually, but honestly it wasn't so bad. After a few instants alone, I heard footsteps behind me and as I just knew it would be Kiara, I didn't really turn around to check. The figure kept standing for a while and I noticed it wasn't Kie as the blonde boy sat next to me and lighted up a blunt.

We remained quiet at first, not looking at each other or daring to break the silence first, but he went ahead. "You good?" JJ asked me, which was unexpected.

"Yes thank you," I replied. "So what? are you done hating me?"

We both slightly laughed and looked at our feet. Funny how in those weird moments, everyone just found a sudden and passionate interest for things that didn't matter in normal times. I bit my inner lip and looked at him as he cleared his throat, which was very hot by the way. Everything about him was hot. His hair, the rings on his fingers, his muscled arms, his height, everything. Everything besides his comportment, but even the way he hated me was somehow attractive, I couldn't help it. Maybe the fact I had just broken up with Rafe made me want every single guy on this island, but even more JJ.

"I saw what you're ready to do for us this afternoon and I just think that's weird," he voiced. "Why'd you risk your life for us?"

I grabbed the blunt in between his fingers and brought it to my lips, before inhaling it, which helped me relaxing almost immediately. He stared at me but didn't say anything and I gave it back to him, before searching for the right words to use. "I didn't risk my life for you, I didn't know we'd get shot at. And I mean, now that Rafe and I are no longer a thing, I have nothing to lose," I told him.

"Besides a fancy house, a big ass car, a personal entry pass to the Country-Club," he started enunciating.

"Shut up," I laughed, cutting him off. "Why do you hate me so badly?"

He exhaled another puff out of his blunt and before he could finish it he gave it to me. I placed my lips on it and listened to whatever he was about say. "Pogues hate Kooks, Kooks hate Pogues, that's the law. And when that Kook turns out to be Rafe Cameron's girl, it's even worse," he explained.

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