[ 009 ] he would have to lose an eye

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"Aemond stole Vhagar!"

"I did not!" he replied smugly, "I claimed her." And I'll claim you too. Aemond's eyes fell on the Velaryon Princess. 

There was some emotion on Alyssa's face, not knowing whether she should feel anything at all. Should she feel proud? Then again, he never did when she did the same. 

But on the night of Aunt Laena's funeral was unacceptable. 

Jace yells then, running at Aemond. The boys fight. They're the most evenly matched out of them all. Yet, Aemond gets the upper hand and Jace goes down hard to the sandy stone ground. Luke, her sweet brother, tries next. Aemond lands a fast blow to his nose. Blood spurts, flames dance, and Alyssa has had enough.

"Stop it!" Alyssa shouted, moving to stand in front of Aemond, blocking him from advancing on her brothers and cousins. "Just go away Aemond. You've already caused enough damage tonight. You've got what you wanted so leave!"

He merely stares at her, his eyes looking at her like she committed a crime by turning against him. The young boy claimed a dragon, the largest dragon in the world—one that rivaled the Cannibal, he thought that she'd be at least happy for him. 

"Alyssa stay away from him!" Jace said in fear for his sister, assuming that he'd hurt her. He had grabbed her arm, jerking her out of the way which was a misguided attempt to protect his little sister. 

Alyssa wanted to say that he'd never hurt her. They had somewhat started to rekindle their friendship during the funeral. That he would work to earn her friendship again. 

She stumbled and landed hard, knocking the air from her lungs. Jace had accidentally pulled her smaller form on the slipper sandstones. 

Rage coated Aemond's sharp features seeing her in pain. The fire seems to flicker once more. he lurched forward and attacked Jace. In the blink of an eye, the other children join the fight. 

They surrounded Aemond, all landing brutal hits to his body. 

The sound of Alyssa's cries and shouts could be heard, "Stop it! 

However, Aemond had no need for her help at all. With a roar, he explodes beneath them. He managed to kick Baela and Rhaena to the ground then Jace. Only Luke was left, Her uncle grabbed him by the throat. 

He stands to lift the boy who was gasping for breath. 

Alyssa's eyes fly to the rock in his other hand and gasped. 

"You will die screaming in flames just like your father did!" Aemond spits the words like a dragon would spew fire. "You are bastards. I have claimed Vhagar...and now I shall take a bride...Alyssa,"

Jace glared up at him spitefully. "Shut up!"

"I am not your bride!" Alyssa yelled this time ignoring the shattering feeling she felt in her chest. 

"My fathers still alive!" Luke sobs, tears streaking through the blood on his face.

Rage ignites Alyssa's veins. She was the blood of the dragon. It didn't matter who her father was because she will always be her mother's daughter. That is what mattered. 

She is the only daughter of Princess Rhaenyra. The blood of Valeryia courses through her veins. 

And she would be damned if he'd get away with hurting her brothers and cousins. 

She lets out a yell and runs straight at Aemond. Alyssa hicks him in the stomach, sending him a stumbling and released look from the unexpected force from the little girl. 

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