Zaliens & Cloud Watchers:

Comenzar desde el principio

“Ooh, the high-end cheese store. That place is so much better than Cheese Just Okay.” said Ally.

“So, I just finished the song for our new webcast. It perfectly captures everything you're about.” Ally said and puts the headphones on Austin.

“Listen. What do you think?” said Ally

“I love it!” said Austin


“I hate it.” I said as Ally leaves the store

“Here.” says Dez and gets a drum out that is filled with chili) Try it with my drum chili. Dez pours the chili onto the burger

“Not the burger; Ally's song! I don't like it.” said Austin

“Well, maybe my drum chili will help with that too.” I said and pours drum chili onto Ally's music player


“I guess I'll tell Ally the truth. There's nothing to be afraid of.” said Austin and turns around to see Ally and screams

“Are you both screaming because you're as excited about the webcast as I am?” said Ally

“Yeah. You know us so well.”

“This is the best song I've ever written! It's perfect for you!” said Ally

“Yeah, about that, I need to tell you something. I-I-Guys, little help?” said Austin

“Can't talk; got cheese in my mouth.” said Dez as he shoved cheese in his mouth

“And I'm not here.” said Trish as she left the scene

“Aria?” said Austin.

“my voice is hurting I can't really talk right now” I said if I got my voice really go to the point where it actually sounded like it was cracking

“Uh, anyway, before I forget, I invited some friends over to watch you tape the webcast. I want to see their faces when you sing our most awesome song ever! So, what were you going to tell me?” said Ally

“Uh... That I got you a pickle basket!” said Austin as he handed her

“Aw, thank you. I like pickles!” she said and smiled


“Ally, bad news. Our can't do the webcast today; I lost my voice.”

“Oh no, that's terrible!” said Ally

“I know, I feel awful. We're going to have to reschedule; there's just-” said Austin as he was acting and his voice just came back to normal. “No way, that girl is cute!” he said and tries to follow the girl; Ally pulls him back

“Your voice is fine. I get it. You're just messing with me; I can do that too. Hey, I'm writing you a bad song!” said Ally

“Ha ha, that would be funny”

“You ready, Austin? We're live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” said Dez as he whispered

“What's up? I'm Austin Moon, and this is the lovely Aria and this is our webcast. I guess I'm going to sing a new song.” said Austin. Ally and Trish clap before everyone else does.

But, um, um, first, I thought I would dance!” he says as he puts the microphone down

“Hit it.” DJ plays music; Austin dances

“What's he doing? Is he stalling?” said Ally

“No, people don't dance when they stall.” said Trish

𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲~austin moonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora