Demon forest

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"🎶It's DARE, OH! You got depress-beep🎶"

I shut my alarm clock and put the book I was previously reading down.
"So it's 7 AM right now, that gives me quarter an hour to get ready and another 15 minutes to get to the schoolgrounds." I mumbled to myself as I hurriedly made my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

I got dressed while the toothbrush was still in my mouth, getting annoyed as I stopped some droplets of water-toothpaste mixture from falling on my clothes.

Knock Knock Knock

"[name] , can I come in?" I heard Isaac's voice from behind my bedroom door.
Since I couldn't answer I opened the door and let him in.

He stepped in and sat on my bed as I went back to my bathroom to spit my toothpaste out, "What is it, Isaac?" I asked before putting the toothbrush back into my mouth.

The morning felt melancholy, everything seemed so slow, too slow. I glanced at Isaac to see what he is doing. Nothing, just staring into nowhere, thinking perhaps.

"Remember that girl from yesterday?" He looked at me whilst I nodded and continued, "she snuck into my room yesterday, watched me sleep for an hour and then left some red roses for me on the nightstand."

I almost choked at the information Isaac left me with. How come I didn't feel her presence? Lord am I truly getting weaker? I'll keep that in my mind when I train to keep me motivated.

I sent Isaac a worried glance when he continued, "I want you to be careful. I noticed a little bit of- wait what did humans call them.. Ah right! Yandere behaviorism in her." 

He did look worried, but Isaac will always worry for others first. That's just how he is. I think he should be worried for himself once in a while.

I muffled out an 'alright' in the bathroom before spitting the toothpaste out and rinsing my mouth with water.
When I came out of my bathroom, Isaac was still sitting on my bed, looking at the floor.

He straightened his back, authority taking over his stance, "Today we are doing combat, they want us as the students of B2 to go to the demonic forest that's surrounding the schoolgrounds." Isaac explained with a grimace as he stood up to leave with me.

We went downstairs and saw our siblings sitting on the couch. Abigail was drinking coffee and Ethan was reading a manga.

Both of them were enjoying the silence.

"Good morning!" I greeted them.
"Morning," Abigail greeted back and drank all of her coffee in one sip making me cringe. Augh I could almost taste the bitterness of Abigail's coffee.

 The way to school wasn't long, but it felt like time had slowed down.
Everything felt wrong, just wrong. I brushed it off as the demon king's presence in the human world. I mean it has turned everything unbalanced so time slowing down from here to there would be considered normal.

School halls were cold despite the warm-ish spring weather outside. Our steps echoed from wall to wall. Everything was silent.

I could hear my heartbeat and I felt my palms heat up as my face turned cold.
Something was very wrong.


I jumped before looking over at Abigail, "You seem off today, did you decide to sleep for this night?" She asked, worry basking in her every word.

"No, I did not. I don't know, everything seems off and just a little bit too quiet." I told her the truth while hugging myself.

We made our way to class B2 only to see absolutely no one.
Ethan stepped in, "I sense demonic presence." 
I shuddered, "Crap!" Isaac yelled before running away in the blink of an eye.

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