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-Jasmine's pov-

After we stopped at Walker's house, we went to the beach and changed into our suits. (in the bathroom obviously) We sat on a blanket in the sand for a few minutes, just talking and catching up on things since it's been a while. 

"Can we just go in the water already?" Walker whined  

"Ok fine let's go cranky pants" Mckenna said, standing up as we all copied her actions.

We all walked into the water till it was about to our waists.

"This water is freezing" Walker said, rubbing his arms to keep warm. (Do you know what I mean? I didn't know how to describe it)

"Stop whining, you'll get used to it soon" Momona said.

"We shoukd play shoulder wars!" Xochitl suggested.

"Sure but how? There are five of us" Walker commented.

"We could switch teams." I suggested. "A different person sits out each round"

"Sounds good. I'll sit out the first one." Mckenna said

"I call Momona!" Xochitl exclaimed rushing to her.

That meant it was me and Walker. Don't get me wrong he's a nice kid but we weren't really close. I mean I've seen his movies but we just really met.

As Mo got on Xochitl's I got on Walker's.

"You better not drop me" I said to Walker.

"I won't....maybe" he replied with a chuckle.

I slightly hit his shoulder as we both smiled and started the game. After a minute or two I successfully pushed down Momona. We then switched teams and continued this a few more times.

"I don't know about you but I'm freezing and getting out" Xochitl  stated as she started walking out if the water.

"Yeah me to." I said, as everyone one else agreed and walked back to the blanket.

"Fuck I forgot my towel" Walker mumbled under his breath.

"Hey we can share mine. It's big enough" I offered.

"Oh yeah sure thanks"

-Walker's pov-
As I was looking through my bag after getting out if the water I realized I forgot my towel.

"Fuck I forgot my towel" I muttered under my breath

"Hey we can share mine. It's big enough," I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Jasmine holder her towel out.

"Oh yeah sure thanks" I said as I sat next to her grabbing the other end of the towel and wrapping it around myself.

All of us were just sitting on the big blanket talking and watching the sun set.


Momona Tamada

Momona Tamada

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Caption: Guess who we got to see today!Tagged-@Jasmine

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Caption: Guess who we got to see today!

Jasmine- It's been so long I couldn't wait to see you guys again!
Xochitl- we missed you!

User5- loving the random photo of Walker

Jasmine Davis

Jasmine Davis

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Caption- The gang is back 😎Tagged-@Momona

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Caption- The gang is back 😎
Tagged-@Momona.Tamada @Mckenna.Grace @Xochitl.Gomez @Walker.scobell

Momona- The last photo 💀
Jasmine- I know right!

Walker- Jasmine what is this?
Jasmine- what do you mean?

User5- I can't they way they both put Walker at the end 💀

User7- wait their friends? Are they dating?
User3- I don't think so
User7- Good she's not good enough

Authors note
This chapter was mostly dialog so I don't know if it was confusing but I hope you liked it!

𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤- Walker ScobellWhere stories live. Discover now