The gentle giant

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Kateri's pov-
I can't believe I got the part and Gwendoline's number in the same day. Gwen is just so sweet. Since she gave me her number we have been texting and calling nonstop. She gave me a new nickname, superstar, no one has ever given me a nickname. Well apart from my friend Tea but they live so in a different country so I can't see them that much. I've know them for years now.
Gwen and I have become so close we've been to a coffee shop a couple of times. Just to hang out and get to know each other better before we start the show. Gwen had paparazzi following her here, there and everywhere. There main question to her was who was I? "She's a new friend" but every time she would say that she would look me in my eye and wink. Every time my heart would skip a beat. What did the wink mean? Surely she didn't like me like that? I mean she's so beautiful and way out of my league. But she did it every time. I've had a crush on her since I was 14. And this entire experience is a dream come true.
The first script arrived at my door today. And oh my god. I'm the main love interest! I screamed like a teenage girl at a Billie Eilish concert. My next door neighbours came outside concerned for my well being. I explained to them that I finally got my script for the new show. They were really excited for me and wished me luck. After thanking them I went back inside and called Tea.
They answered.
"Hello my dear. How are things going? I'm guessing something exciting happened?"
"Omg Tea you are not going to guess what arrived today!" I said to them trying to control my emotions.
"Ooooo, has your script arrived?" They were just as excited as I was.
"Yes and it turns out that my character is the main love interest!"
Tea just screamed.
"FaceTime me right now Kateri you need to see the shock on my face!"
I  FaceTimed them and they were just sat there with their jaw almost unhinged like a snake. I had never seen them like this before. It looked like they were at work on break. They are a chef at a restaurant so it's lucky that I called them while they were on break otherwise I may not have been able to reach them. They finally spoke.
"Are you allowed visitors on set?"
I knew why they asked.
"Yes" was all I said.
"Ok when do you start filming?"
"In a week"
I responded.
And with that they started booking a flight.
"I can't wait to see my best friend acting with our idol! I will be there in 4 days I am not going to miss this for the world!"
Once they had booked there plane ticket they had to get back to work so we said our goodbyes.
I can't wait to see them and work with the Gwendoline Christie.

Hello my beautiful loves. I am determined to work on this to completion. As the main character is based on my best friend I felt it appropriate to put myself in this. If you have any recommendations for what should happen in this please let me know. I love you all and I will see you next time xx

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