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Have you ever planned a trip with your best friend that you knew you couldn't afford?

That was the case for the five best friends who had talked about their dream trip since the age of 12. Of course they couldn't afford it at that time; they were only kids after all.

But little did they know that in just 20 minutes, they would board the plane that would take them to Greece. They're not just staying anywhere in Greece; they're staying on a cruise ship that will take them from one island to another.

It was a surprise to themselves how they had managed to pull it off, considering that Mason and Declan have football and training all the time, and Nathan, Lauren, and Jolene had their own jobs to deal with.

It was almost impossible for them to find a date that would suit all of them, due to the fact that they all have different schedules. But nothing is impossible.

The five childhood best friends are currently waiting outside the doors to the runway for their private jet that Mason and Declan had organised. They were only waiting for their driver to appear so they could board the jet.

"Who's idea was it to fly this early?" Declan rolled his eyes and sighed as he took a seat on one of the chairs near the door.

"Yours," everyone else said in unison.

"You wanted to arrive in the morning, remember?" Mason said, yawning. It was almost five in the morning, and if Declan wasn't such a pain in the arse, they wouldn't have to be here this early.

"15 minutes left, calm your tits down," Nathan whined, pulling his hood over his head to stop hearing the complaints from everyone.

"That was new," Lauren quietly chuckled.

"While we're waiting, does everyone have everything?" Jolene asked them, knowing someone was always forgetting something.

"We've checked twice, Jolly, don't worry," Lauren assured her.

"Have you checked your stuff, though?" Mason asked her.

"Duh, I have everything in this backpack," she said with a satisfied look on her face.

Everyone looked at her with furrowed brows. It made her question herself and open her bag to check; not even a second later, she let out a scream.

"MY BOOK," she dropped her backpack, not saying another word before sprinting back to the café where she knew she had left it.

"I knew it, she's always the one forgetting something in the end," Declan chuckled.

Jolene ran as fast as she could; that was the new book she had bought just a few days ago; her world would end if she lost it.

She stopped herself and looked around the seat she had sat on earlier, but there was no sign of it. "Fuck Jolene, how can you be so stupid?" she mumbled as she looked under the tables and seats.

"Looking for this?" A guy with a deep voice asked her.

She stood up, turning around and facing him. She took a proper look at him; he was wearing a simple outfit, ready for vacation, and surprisingly holding her book, which she thought she would never see again.

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