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Riding my horse through the forest was not a problem for me, running into a few creatures of the wild would be a quick scare but it would hardly happen since I mostly stay at a nice spot near home as I'd draw what attracts my eyes. Sketches and writing of the nature around me was a thing to keep my mind at bay (the drawing up top is what she drew but without the dragon).
Other than helping my mother pick the crops near our home or clean the house when it gets grimy. My father mostly works on getting the food by hunting, or by getting wood by cutting trees down. I always wondered about my fathers strength at his age,
I do help him a lot but he tells me that mother is the one who will need the help.
As I finish my artwork I put it in my journal with the rest of the doodles and secrets I have found on my journey's , I put my journal into my horses pouch and feed him with an apple. "Oh Dagger, (her horses name) seems like the journey today has ended.*sigh*maybe if I catch a rabbit for tonight's snack would've been nice, but it seems it's getting late, mother might worry and father would be furious cause of how worried mother is" I chuckled as I thought of how much my parents loved each other so dearly.
Jumping onto Daggers back I squeezed the middle of his rib cage gently for him to move forward, going towards the road I hear the howls of wolves within reach of me, I didn't worry because I knew they were not in front of me nor near my home.
Seeing my home not to far and seeing the light of the fire from the window was a sight to see, sensing the comforting heat of the fire, and smelling mother's delicious sweet-roles just out of the stove. And tasting fathers tasty beef stew, I tied my horse onto the hitch post near the little farm we had. Seeing the chickens safe asleep and the cow just eating hay.
I walked up to the door as I hear my parents talk inside, I stop to listen as I hear the worry in their tone.
"Hroidemar this news would ruin the life we have for Y/n, you know how she is. This would attract her and she'd be getting caught onto this." My mother trying not to yell of her anxious voice. "But Hidaki she's a strong young woman, very strong for her age also. She'll be ok. We're not to close to the place so we'll be ok, as long as she tries not to stick her nose into it." As I listened I didn't know if I should've walk in now or wait for them to be done talking. "I know she's strong, she's just peculiar to compelling articles like this. We've never gotten one of these letters since..." hearing my mother stop her sentence made me wonder what was this certain letter was about. "I know, it's been a long time, damn stormcloak's and their damn king. Everything was perfectly fine before Ulfric had to kill the high king." My eyes went into shock, Ulfric killed Torygg. Many thought began to run through my head as I thought of what would happen when the king is dead, was there a war going to happen soon? What will happen to the queen through this? My thoughts stopped as I heard my mother continue. "Hroidemar, you don't think they'll drag her into this? Would you?" "As long as we try and keep her around here and not out there." My heart raced as I thought of me going to war just like my father did when he was around my age. I did like the thought of being out there but the subject I worried about was about me leaving my parent's. "Oh dear I wonder where this girl is, always late on getting home." "Don't worry love, she always makes it back. She's got her back, she's probably already on her way." I smiled as my parents always stay happy after a short argument.
I finally decided to go inside as it was a little quiet, just to make my parents think I wasn't snooping around their business. My mother heard the door close as she turned from the cooking pot to look at me, "oh my sweet dear you made it home." She hugged me as I greeted her with an embrace also. "Yes ma I'm home now, you didn't need to worry. Just..took care of two wolves on the road." My father came from downstairs smiling as he saw me in a perfect condition. "My young warrior has returned, and I hear she took out the wolves I was babbling about just today with your mother." I panicked cause I never actually took out the wolves, I started to think I should've took them out. "I've just finished making some vegetable soup and some warm bread. But be careful their just strait out of the fire and oven." I put my travel bag down near the drawer as I always do, taking off my leather armour and putting on a simple gown on upstairs in my room. Fixing my H/c H/l hair. "Y/n diners warm now, come down and eat with us." "Coming Ma." I put my brush down on my dresser walking down smelling the soup as I did so.
As I sat down we began to eat, in the middle of our sweet dine my father spoke, "Y/n, we gotten some news from a courier while you were out and.." he looked at my mother as if as he was asking to continue. I saw my mother give a gentle nod to him, I tried to act like I didn't know what they would be talking about. "Y/ is that, the high king of dead. He has been murdered by the Jarl of Windhelm. Ulfric Stormcloak." He said it so serious it made me react just as before. "W-what? Ulfric killed him? Wait so so what happens?" I tried not to ask so many questions. My mother grabbed my hand calming me down a notch. "There will be a war, between the Imperial's and the Stormcloak's. The High queen will be known as a Jarl for a while till the war ends. And which whoever wins this war will take the title as high king or queen." I felt kinda sad for Elisif, just the thought of her loosing her husband to Ulfric. "Y/n dear we are telling you this because both the Jarls of Windhelm and Solitude are looking for reliable warriors and strong people to fight along with them, we want you here. Safe and peaceful with us." My mother said as I looked at her seeing her not wanting her only child to go fight a war I don't need to be in. "My warrior, some people don't get to make choices in wars like this, so we want you here safe with your mother and I." My father grabbed my left hand as my mother held my left side. I looked at them as they had nothing else to say, I had to choose my words wisely as I learned things have consequences. "I will, I will stay home. As I am not needed in this war, I will make sure I will be careful out there through the war." I smiled small as my mother smiled happily, my father squeezed my hand gently and kissed the top. "My dear, thanks for letting us know your choice." She let go and walked to me and kissed my temple as I sat there.
They both went downstairs to their room to sleep as I sat there having the last few bites of my bread, thinking of the conversation we just had thinking of that was a good decision. I mean I knew it was the right one, but what if I chose to go to war? Would my parents be ok? I know they would. Their both good people when their together. Plus the house is safe cause we're in the forest, no threats would ever hurt them. But I knew they needed me.
I walked up to my room and laid on my bed still thinking of tomorrow's journey ahead. I tried not to worry since worrying only makes you suffer twice.
Sleep came towards me not to long after, I would have to wake in the morning to take care of those damn wolves for my father.

A/n-first chapter, I hope it's ok. As it is obviously continuing, the second chapter will probably be Farkas POV of this day. Or I will either continue Y/n's POV. I'll think about it, oh and every picture/drawing I get it from Pinterest just so y'all know. Anyways have fun:).                            I.U

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