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"No way, I'll never work with her. She'll back away immediately"

"But you should try at least. It's the best way."

Nicki was over at my house and we were doing a Summer Research project together. We were sitting at the edge of my bed and my dad was making lasagna so the aroma from the kitchen wafted to my bedroom.

While researching the variegated types of wines for French class, Nicki declared a five-minute break. She had taken her phone out and was scrolling through her feeds. She stopped at one post and almost shoved the phone into my face.

"You should collaborate with Tara. I bet that would help your anxiety and give you a boost of confidence"

This was Nicki. Always going on about positivity and treating my anxiety problems like a stain on the floor. Like if you scrub hard enough, the stain would go away.

"For the hundredth time, Nick. I have Visiobibliophobia. It is an actual diagnosis. I can't just wish it away. Plus, Tara's popular and scary"

Tara was a batchmate of ours and I had her in my French class. I found her haughty and temperamental so I've never really spoken to her. But she was what they called these days- an influencer or at least well on her way of becoming one. I had no clue how Tara and Nicki became friends but I'm not surprised.

Nicki's tapping away at her phone, a mischievous grin playing at her lips and I doubt she heard what I said.

"Yes!" she exclaimed and hugged me. "She said yes!"

"I- I don't understand" I sputter, but understanding is creeping into my senses slowly.

"You're going to meet her tomorrow and talk about your art. Plus you're going to go live and-"

"You texted her about me, Nick! How could you? I don't even know her that well"

"Don't make that face, Leeta. It will be wonderful, trust me"

Despite my protests, Nicki still managed to persuade me in the end. I called her out on foul play. But in response, she just laughed and shook her head.

The Boba Tea Experimentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن