flowers by corazon (j. mace x reader)

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"could you man the register for a second? i have to check something."

"i dunno cory, i'm not that good at math."

you jump a little at the smack that resounds in the small flower shop. then, a boyish laugh: "jesus, okay, okay."

your eyes widen slightly as you politely ignore the banter and continue perusing the flower selection. the white-to-pink-to-purple petals of some orchids you've been eying feel silky between your fingertips.

the girl at the front register sings, "thank you!" before hopping around the mess of buckets and blossoms to steal into the back door.

you sigh stiffly, wishing you had just gotten the guts to ask sooner. now, there's a mean-looking guy at the front counter. biting the inside of your lip, you approach anyway. "excuse me."

"hi." he barely glances away from what appears to be an aerospace engineering textbook. his brow furrows at the intimidating diagrams.

you point at the bunches of flowers behind you, even though you know he isn't looking at you. "do you know how much sunlight these need?"


you suck in a breath, then turn toward the exit. "okay. thanks anyway."

mentally, you say goodbye to the pretty bundles, closing your hand over the door handle.

"uh, wait. sorry." he drums his fingers on the table, clearing his throat. "if you want, you can wait 'til cory comes back. her parents own this place, she knows everything."

you tilt your head at the expression on his face, which is much gentler now. "is that what corazon means?"

every time you passed this shop, you've loved reading the name, written in pretty script above the store. flowers by corazon.

"i always thought it meant heart."

"i'm sure heart has something to do with it." he blinks, then gives you half a smile. it softens his whole face, his blue eyes warming up.

you inspect the dirt on the edges of your sneakers, then quickly return your attention to the arrangements you've already browsed through. you've decided to get the orchids, unless cory tells you they need more sunshine than you've got to offer.

"what's the occasion?" he asks.

you stroke the delicate stems, imagining the striking green brightening your apartment. "a rough week, honestly."

you can hear the frown in his voice. "i'm sorry."

"yeah." you toss him a shy glance. "i just think i deserve it."

the back door bursts open with a thud and cory reappears, slightly out of breath. "thanks, mace." he jerks his chin in your direction, and she positively glows at you as she rounds the corner to shake your hand. "hi, i'm cory. do you need help with something?"

after a lengthy discussion about proper flower care—light, water, food, trimming the stems—you cradle a delicate arrangement in your hands and carry it to the front register, where mace still stands, his book shut now. "just this, please."

he blinks at the receipt once you've written out your tip and signed it. "let me double check your math."

behind the edge of the counter, he scribbles something in blue pen. it takes him long enough to do the calculation that cory, who has started bundling a new set of flowers, teases him from afar. "c'mon, fly boy, i thought you were better than this."

he shoots her a look over his shoulder before sliding a small piece of paper to you.

in terrible handwriting: for the next time you need cheering up. i'll bring flowers - mace

and, a phone number.

you clutch the flowers tighter to your chest, a heartbeat thumping in your ears. "thanks." your hand trembles as you push the slip inside your pocket.

"and, if you ever need anything else, y'know, plant-related..."

maybe you should come back tomorrow. buy a real vase, since you don't actually own one.

"you'll be here?" you try, tentatively.


"okay." you hide a huge smile behind the blooms. "thank you."

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