Chapter Two: Almost Familiar

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You had seen this place so many times, although today, it feels brand new. There's a smell in the hair, savory and sweet smells, and a hot breath hits you all at once as you step farther inside. You remember it well, the same warm floors, the same round tables, the same nearly-twisted creatures. Did they call themselves Yokai? You're almost certain.

The pit of your stomach cries, which you do your best to ignore. What you can't ignore are the eyes that immediately lay on you as you walk pass different people - you can't blame them, but you also know that staring it mighty rude. Should you say something? Likely not, so you keep your head down and walk to the door of the pizza restaurant.

You hope you never get use to the atmosphere of the Hidden City. Your Creator loved the buildings and the streets and, so deeply, the people that live here. You wonder if anyone would recognize them, but how are you suppose to start a conversation looking as you do.

I look homeless. And dirty.

Even so, you feel a jump - a rush! These colorful lights and windows and doors, the beautiful afternoon hues! But as you settle down, your eyes grazing the billboards, you realize that you have no real place to go and no real place to start.

Draxum has to be somewhere, right? The Baron Draxum, the man your Creator was so sure could help them in the past, but never got to speak to.

Thankfully, it seems he's started to make a name for himself, as on a flyer posted outside of the pizza building is a picture of the Hidden City Heroes. There are turtles and a human girl, there's even a rat! But someone you can't unsee, someone you know MUST be the Baron.

You hardly remember him, but you recall his looming figure. How your Creator, although intrigued and wanting to meet Draxum, was intimidated by him.

Still, perhaps he's changed, as he doesn't look NEARLY as scary as you once thought he looked. Didn't he have horns? Is that really Draxum at all? And he's considered a hero now - exactly how long were you and your Creator away to miss the end of the world?

You take the flyer from the side of the building and study it as you walk, pressing your arm to the tarp around your body. You walk and glance at the citizens, ignoring curious eyes staring at you up and down. There's someone that almost seems like him, with black hooves skidding across the ground. But as you look up, you only see a frail boy, hardly the size of the man you're looking for.

Perhaps farther down? You plap, plap, plap, your bare feet on the ground, down the few streets that don't run into zigzags. But anyone pink isn't tall, anyone tall isn't strong, anyone strong isn't a sheep, and anyone who looks to be a sheep doesn't seem to be anything else. You can already feel your heart sink down into your stomach, which growls with hunger.

If only I could eat my own heart. You think, plopping down onto the side of the walkway.

Defeated, you make the walk back to the warm pizza restaurant. At the very least, you can dig through the trash for any left overs.

You set yourself up in the darkness of the alleyways and rummage through the trash bins. There's not much: a few pizza crusts, perhaps a messed up pizza here and there that the staff never finished eating. 

As you chow down on the least gross things you find, you keep your eyes and ears open for anything passing by - just in case.

Low and behold, after about five to ten minuets, you can year the chattering of a group of people, tossing around Draxum's name. Could they simply be fans, or do they know him? You're sure he much be extremely famous, especially as a hero. 

You peak around your darkened hidey-hole to see four green figures.

"I'm going to try and ask for Uranium again. I know you think it's stupid and he'll say no-"

"Because he's already said 'no' eight times."

"But I can FEEL it!"

"Draxum isn't just going to give you Uranium. You have to c h a r m him into it."

"Yes, and that worked out so well last time-oh, wait, no it didn't, he yelled at us to get out of his lab."

As two of the four start an argument, you double and triple check the flyer besides you. They look identical to the turtle heroes!

And if they're on their way to Draxum....

You swiftly move to your feet and begin to follow the group. You'd love more than anything to directly ask them, but considering your current position, you think it best to simply follow.

Maybe you can pretend to be a shadow or something.

Or a ghost.

Something other people can't see.

"Just remember the mission." The biggest of the bunch gestures to the group. "Dad needs all seven of his movies back without any scratches or screw-ups."

"Yeah, yeah. You know, you're not our leader anymore."

"But I'm still your big brother."

As you make your way across the streets, you zone in on the groups conversation. From what you can tell, the blue one seems to be more than happy pushing everyone's buttons.

For a split moment, you wonder what they would think of you  if you did decide to speak to them, but you shove the thoughts away. 

The longer you follow the group, the more dangerous their little hike seems to be: running across streets, diving down pits, and then, finally, following a trail of tubes and wires deep underground.

The warmth from the city disappears and you drop down into the darkness. Small lights show the way to the lab, glowing a pale green. As your feet change from rocky and smooth stones to dirt and metal, you feel a strange sense of familiarity.

The pipes thicken and spread out as you finally walk to the edge of this underground tunnel. Looking out over the grey and green room, you spot the four turtles talking to a figure hidden behind equipment.

You remember, almost in full, the lab your Creator took care of. Full of different plants and jars, and loads of different machines. Walking into Draxum's territory almost feels like home.

You squint your eyes, moving forward, wondering if you'll be able to see the man, himself.

"For the tenth time," His voice is tired and rough. "I'm not going to get you Uranium."

As the one in purple audibly says the word 'groan', you see a pair of goat-like legs step out into the open.

It's almost as you pictured him from the past - although a black body is replaced with a pink one, and his face seems much softer in comparison to the expression you're sure you remember him wearing. It is still him, the Baron Draxum.

The one who's going to help you find your Creator's murderer, and aid you in understanding your existence.

....As soon as you figure out a way to introduce yourself....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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