Chapter 16 The Love

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"Don't worry Mr. Smith, I won't be greedy," Hannah said in reassurance. She then went into the candy store and looked around for anything that looked good to her. She picked out some chocolate bars, fruity gummies, reese cups, and she considered getting one of the lolly pops of her and one of her friends as the Rainbow Squads.

"Hmm I wonder what I should get?" Hannah asked out loud.

"Well I recommend getting The lollipop version of the Red and Green Squads as I think those two seem to be in some sort of relationship," Mr. Smith explained.

"Um... you think?" Hannah asked while trying not to blush.

"We'll, I don't know for certain but I think they are because of how they interact with each other," Mr. Smith explained.

"AH well I think I will take those lollipops," Hannah said while pointing at the lollipop of herself and Jake in their rainbow squad form.

"Good choice," Mr. Smith said. He bagged up the items for Hannah and wished her a happy birthday before she left the store. She continued to walk through the streets of the city and look around for any of her friends as none of them were in their homes. As she was walking she saw Lila coming out of a store and she had something in her hands.

"Hey Lila! Over here!" Hannah called out to her friend. Lila looked over her shoulder and saw Hannah walking towards her.

"Hey Hannah, sorry I can't talk right now. My mom wants me and you know how she can be at times," Lila said before running off.

Hannah stood there for a moment wondering why Lila ran off so fast as she normally would stop for a minute or two to have small talk even if her mom wanted her.

"Maybe her mom has an urgent family matter that Lila needs to attend to?" Hannah asked herself. However Hannah was a bit disappointed that Lila didn't even wish her a happy birthday.

"Did Lila forget? No she might just be in a rush; she'll probably wish me a happy birthday later," Hannah reassured herself.

"Hmm what should I do? It's the weekend so everyone is free, Hmm Ah! I know I can send out a group text to my friends and ask them to come over to our favorite ice cream store!" Hannah said, before getting out her phone and sending the text to everyone.

Meanwhile, the rest of the squads were in a room that was made for parties, decorating it with red and purple decorations. They were there with their parents getting everything ready for Hannah's surprise party. Lila came into the room with more party decorations in the bags she was carrying.

"Hey Sis, how was the shop?" Josh asked.

"It went well but Hannah almost caught me there so I made an excuse that mom needed me," Lila explained.

"Did you remember to wish her a happy birthday?" Iris asked.

"Um no, I wanted to get here so we could get the surprise party done sooner so Hannah can have a great time," Lila explained.

"Well you should've at least let her know that you know that it's her birthday. After all, forgetting someone's birthday is very hurtful, especially if your close friends seemingly forgot," Iris explained.

"Well Hannah will know that we remembered when she sees this," Lila explained.

"I know but if she thinks you all forgot she'll be very hurt," Iris said.

Just their phones went off as they all got a text from Hannah asking if they would like to meet her up at their favorite ice cream place.

"Aww Hannah wants to have ice cream with us. I'm gonna go meet her there!" Iris exclaimed.

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