Chap V

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Well I'm extremely sorry for not updating the last chapter. Just lack of motivation i guess? I finally started this chapter on May 24th.
3.2-3.3 archon quest spoilers!

Scaramouche was quite surprised by what he had saw. The almighty traveler, looking some what defeated? That was unexpected. He thought to himself. As he turned to look at the Dendro archon. Who was small yet sure is full of wisdom, at least, since she's the God of wisdom.
Scaramouche had to think quick. Since the Dendro archon was probably seconds away from getting crushed by the huge mechanism, designed by The doctor.
Well his catalyst couldn't reach that far, since he was yet still standing on the door step, or gate. He had never used or thought to use a bow, since it's only useful in far combat, but it was his only chance. He didn't care if the Traveler died, or was injured, he did not care about the Dendro archon either. He only cared that if they were defeated, the doctor would probably make his way to him and the 11th harbinger, who's extremely injured.
He fixed his posture. Trying to remember if Tartaglia had taught him how to use a bow back in one of their "Training purposed fights"
A nice memory, flashed into Scaramouche's brain. It was back about 1 year ago, before lantern rite. In Snezhnaya they didn't really celebrate Lantern, they only celebrated it in Liyue of course. But Tartaglia was excited since he was visiting Liyue for a mission soon.
On a nice Wednesday evening. Something crossed Tartaglia's mind as he was eating an apple.
"Have you ever tried using a bow, Balladeer ?"

"No i haven't. I find it difficult to use it on close combat, for my opinion it's better for far combat, certainly i prefer close." Scaramouche replied, waving is catalyst Infront of Tartaglia's face.

"Let me teach you a thing or two, c'mere" Tartaglia placed his apple on a tree branch, then dragged Scaramouche a few meters far from it, let's say about 6 meters which isn't that far but far enough for a beginner.

"Hey, it's not like I'll ever use a bow in my shitty life." Scaramouche complained.
"For fucks sake, just try." Tartaglia said quite annoyed. He aggressively put his own bow into Scaramouche's arms.
"I don't know how to use it, ugh."
Tartaglia ignored him. He stood behind him, and held Scaramouche's arms from behind, adjusting his posture to aim properly.
Tartaglia noticed that Scaramouche could keep his arms steady
"Take a deep breath" Tartaglia does as Scaramouche listens to him.
"Then, 3 , 2 .. finally one" the moment Tartaglia said one, Scaramouche shot the bow, and it hit the apple. "it's that easy, see?" Tartaglia said proudly with a hint of happiness in his voice. While Scaramouche pretended to not care.
Scaramouche snapped back to reality, he remembered Tartaglia's instructions carefully, he infused (?) An arrow with electro, he held the bow steady. Took a deep breath aiming, then finally he shot the arrow.

It exactly hit where the gnosis was. The glass that was protecting it shattered, the next thing the mechanism started losing balance, while the dendro archon started rising to it then, gently pulling the electro gnosis out with her dendro element. She quickly sealed it in a globe to keep it safe and unharmed in case.
Meanwhile, an evil smirk was drawn on the doctors face, honestly impressed.
Scaramouche looked in shock, proud of himself as he realized the dendro archon had taken the electro gnosis.
He sprinted to the archon like a maniac. As he finally stopped a meter or two Infront of the archon.
"That's mine, give it back." Scaramouche yelled, becoming defensive.
"I'm sorry, The traveler told me some interesting stuff about you. I cannot give it back." The dendro archon said calmly.
"It's mine" Scaramouche pushed further.
"The electro gnosis, clearly does not belong to you."
"It was supposed to be mine" Scaramouche kept pushing the dendro archon, getting more desperate by each moment.
"Like you said, 'supposed'." The dendro archon replied, trying to dismiss the conversation. "Please go home or wherever you live, take your friend somewhere safe too, he's injured."
The Doctor started walking in, leaving the glass room, proudly clapping his hands together. The dendro archon noticed him first. "You're after all of this." The dendro archon crossed her arms to her chest. Looking quite disappointed.
"Well, you can say that. After all my lovely expriment was a fail, unfortunately." The Doctor chuckled.
"If it was a fail why are you laughing then?" The dendro archon looked at the doctor suspiciously. "Why didn't you stop me from taking the gnosis, aren't you after the gnosses?"

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