Chapter 1

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"Y'all, come on, Frostee will be here any minute!" Layla called to the rest of the crew.

Tony raced to switch off the garage lights, and then they all scrambled behind the couch to hide. Frostee had gone off to an agency tech training camp all summer and had just gotten back today, so the crew was throwing him a welcome-home party.

They sat silently for about 30 seconds, and then heard footsteps in the garage.

"Guys?" A voice called. It was definitely Frostee, but his voice was way deeper.


The crew jumped out, and Frostee stumbled back in shock before a big smile appeared on his face. But he wasn't the only one to be surprised. Frostee looked like a whole new person, and his friends gaped at him. He was a good inch taller than Tony now, and his face had become more chiseled. He'd also cut his hair and somehow his arms were super muscular, despite the fact that he'd supposedly just been "coding" all summer. Puberty had hit the guy hard.

"Wow! Thanks guys," Frostee exclaimed, giving each of them hugs. "It's good to be back."

"Good to have you back," Tony said. "But, uh, dude- what happened?"

It took Frostee a second to realize what Tony meant, but after a moment he chuckled and shrugged.

"Ha, I know right? Can't make any more jokes about me not being able to reach the gas pedal, Cisco."

Cisco still looked stunned,

"Nah,'re supposed to be my little buddy, You can't be taller than me, man."

"Don't worry dude. I'm still not the biggest fan of driving. I'll stick to being the tech guy in your passenger seat."

Cisco let out a sigh of relief. Layla and Echo rolled their eyes.

"Y'all are so dramatic," Layla said.

"For real," Echo agreed. "I'm officially the shortest now and you don't hear me complaining."

"Anyways," Frostee said, changing the subject. "What have you guys been doing all summer? Any new missions?"

"Grab a Yoka," Cisco said. "We'll fill you in."

They all grabbed some of the snacks and drinks that had been set out on the counter and then headed over to the couch. Tony sat down next to Layla and put his arm around her, which made Frostee almost spit out his sip of Yoka.

"Uh, that's new," he choked out, gesturing towards them.

"Oh, right," Tony said, grinning. "So yeah...we're kinda together now."

"Kinda? Watch your word choice, Toretto," Layla teased, but she snuggled closer to him.

Frostee gaped at them.

"Finally!" He exclaimed. "I was starting to think you guys would never admit you liked each other."

"Yeah, we know. Echo and Cisco never let us hear the end of it when we first told them," Tony said.

"Sooo," Frostee started eagerly. He may have looked grown up now, but his personality hadn't changed at all. "How'd it happen? Who told who?"

"Ugh, do we really have to get into the details?" Layla groaned.

"We had to watch you guys dance around each other for two years before anything happened, so, yeah I want the details," Frostee said.

Tony rolled his eyes.

"Fine. It was during our last mission. We were in the Appalachian Mountains investigating some shady stuff that had been reported. Long story short, I got beat up pretty bad in a car chase, and Layla finally realized how much she cared about me," Tony smirked at Layla, but she was glaring back at him.

"He didn't just get 'beat up,' he almost died. Again," Layla told Frostee. "I should've punched him when I found him for being such an idiot."

She looked back at Tony, who was not taking it seriously at all. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and grinned.

"Yeah, but you didn't. You kissed me instead."

"I can still punch you now."

"And they still argue just as much," Echo laughed, rolling her eyes. "But with flirting mixed in now."

Frostee chuckled.

"I'm happy for you guys," He said, grinning at Tony and Layla. "But I wanna hear about this mission? What was it for? Did we win?"

"Uh, yes and no," Cisco spoke up. "We stopped the main plot and caught one of the guys, but his partner's in hiding somewhere now. Miss Nowhere's got us working overtime doing research and stuff to try and pin down a location."

"Cleve Kelso was running the operation. He's back behind bars, but we have a feeling that won't last long. We don't even have a name of whoever he was working with, but they were good. As crazy as Rafaela but even smarter," Echo explained. "And that's saying something. I still can't believe that woman figured out the whole formula thing."

"Dang, " Frostee said. "What do we have so far? I learned a lot of new stuff at camp, I'm sure I can get close."

"Sissy's been helping us a little, but she hasn't been able to get a good lead yet," Tony told him. "We'll show you what we've got, but I don't know, man. Nowhere thinks we might just have to wait until this mystery maniac makes their first move."

"Miss Nowhere needs to have a little more faith," Frostee replied, determination in his eyes. "Hit me with the details."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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