The naval soldiers filed back from whence they came, allowing the aristocratic families to leave for the party that was to follow.

Clara led Elizabeth away from the crowd, hiding behind a large collum. "Turn around," she whispered to her friend. Elizabeth did not ask and let her maid undo her dress. Clara loosened the stays and Elizabeth finally took a deep enough breath that the colour was slowly returning.

"I am so sorry, miss. Why hadn't you told me they were too tight?"

"I did not want to spoil your mood."

"You passing out would have spoiled my mood, miss. However, next time, I will ask."

Elizabeth smiled. "Thank you, Clara, you are a wonderful friend. And while we are here, let us drop the formalities."

"Very well, Elizabeth. Would you mind introducing me?"

Elizabeth took Clara's arm, the two joining the others. "I will admit I do not know most of these people, and those I do are not ones I wish for you to meet." Clara glanced at her, a brow raised. "Do not take it to heart, there are many fowl creatures here, my dear Clara, I wish for you to enjoy yourself, that is all."

"Of course." From the corner of her eye, Clara saw Governor Swann beckon for his daughter. "I believe your father wants a word with you."

"You can join us if you wish."

The blonde took Elizabeth's hands in hers. "Thank you, though I think it will be better if I stay over here. I shall make my acquaintance, and once you're done we can reconvene."

"Are you sure you will be alright?"

"Yes, now go."

"Here." From her bodice, Elizabeth pulled out a golden medallion. It was strung on a long, thin chain, which glinted in the light. "This has got me through my voyage from England, I hope it serves as a comfort to you as well." The woman grabbed Clara's hand and placed the medallion in it, folding her figures over it.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." The young woman watched Elizabeth take her leave before stuffing the item into her pocket. She glanced around the fort, unknown faces followed her every movement, and whenever she met an eye, she would smile, but in return, would get a glare.

She continued to pace about, seeing if there were any friendly faces but they seemed to be in short supply that day. As Clara passed a group of young women, they eyed her, snickering. Their tone of voice was unpleasant and they things they whispered were worse.

"She was with the Governor's daughter. She works in his household."

"What is a maid like her doing here?"

"Shame to see such a wonderful dress put to waste for a girl like that."

"She obviously stole it."

"I think she's a whore. Look at the way she's promenading about like she owns the place."

"Well, if anything's for certain: it's that she does not belong here."

The heat seemed to worsen and her bodice grew tighter. Air was in short supply and the world started to spin. As discreetly as possible, she moved away from the group, hiding behind another pillar. She pressed herself against the stone, the coolness of it grounding her. But that did not stop her from hyperventilating. Clara pressed a hand against her chest, thinking the pressure would soothe her, yet, nothing changed. A hand went into her pocket, groping for the medallion. Her fingers ran over the cold surface and closed her eyes just before tears could flow. Those girls were right - she doesn't belong here, not when a few harsh words make her so emotional.

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