🖤Addiction-Part 1🖤

Start from the beginning

Like I need one! My drinkings normal for any 23 year old dude! Besides.. if they wanted me to stop, they should talk to ME about it? Riiight? Although, he wants to know what I'm doing with it.. if I say something good, they'll let me drink more often..! "Oh yeah, I was just thinking of taking a sit in the park, and the other ones for a friend!" I said, once again, not looking at him in the eye.. surprisingly, his face lit up. "Vamp, that's great!- Well anything's great I mean- Taking a stroll around is good for you every now and then." He said. "Alright, that'll be 16 bucks, Vamp!" I handed him the money, WAVED AS AGRESSIVE AS I COULD, then left!

Hmm.. now that I think of it, the parks not a bad idea.. it's got some nice scenery. Might as well head there! I just wish that the others spoke to me about this "intervention" thing that could be happening. I mean oh well! I don't need to think of anything with my wine now! I found a good chair, sat down, CRACKED OPEN my wine, and if I'm honest Rosé has a weird smell.. oh well! There were some kids.. but I was far at the back.. nobody would really notice. Pouring myself a glass of wine, I still wondered why the others were so focused on me not drinking. Sure, I may be a LITTLE reckless when I drink. But that's it really? Herb did weed once and everybody was dramatic, but to me, I didn't notice a difference.. I might've been a little drunk myself at the time, but it's NOT a big deal..

I refilled about my.. 7th glass? Things felt easier. Calmer. The sun seems to be setting.. hm. I'm a little tired, eh one more glass won't hurt. I wonder how Alchemist has been doing.. I haven't spoken to her for a while.. I'll call her. Yeah. I forgot where my phone was for a second.. it's just in my pocket. Alright. I'll ring her. "Hm? Vampire I don't have time to chat, I'm in the middle of an experiment.." She said, to which I heard a lot of clashing. "Hey sisss.. sorry for callin' at this time.. j-just wanted to say.. I've missed y'a.. and.. how are y'a, ey..?" I said, almost dropping my phone mid sentence.

I heard a sigh from the other line, then the clashing stopped. "Vampire, are you drunk, again? Normally your not this nice." Okay first of all, RUDE. Second of all fuc- deep breaths Vampire.. and why is it when IM NICE I HAVE TO BE DRUNK? THIS IS BULLSHIT. "SO WHAT IF I WAS DRUNK HM? CANT I BE NICE W-WITHOUT IT BEIN' THAT AL? WHATS WITH EVERYBODY TODAY.." shit. I blurted that out..

"Right right. I'm sorry, you can be nice sometimes. and what do you mean what's with everybody, did something happen?" Why was she being so nice.. wasn't she fed up with me, or something? "I dunno Al.. everybody's been nackin' at me.. like they know somethin' i don't.. I W-WANNA know.. ughHhHGHH it's SO ANNOYING.." I said.. almost sliding OFF THE TABLE. "Hm. Alright, I'll come to you, where are you?" she asked. "I'm at... the park near uhh.. at the uhh.. the back." I tried my best to explain. "Mhm. Alright, I'll come. STAY THERE THOUGH. Don't wonder off in your condition.." I agreed and hung up. This is all to annoying.. today was supposed to be fun. I need another glass.

Alchemist POV:

Now if I remember correctly, Vampire said he was at the park down the back. So he must be past that one tree I had tested on not to long ago! I will admit I was taken back when he was nice.. normally he calls me to say I look like that kid Augustus Gloop. Which, scientifically I do not, considering he's a chubby male, and I, am a plus sized female. Now where is he.. all I have to look for is somebody who looks like they sell drugs on Sesame Street with red hair. Ooh, I see him, what the hel- heck is he doing.. he's laying upside down on the table.. and snoring. God this is embarassing.. Vampire, your lucky we're related.

"Hey! Vampire! Get up, you drunkard.." I SHOOK HIM AS HARD AS I COULD.. I've never known how hard it is to get a slouchy 23 year old MAN TO WAKE UP. That's it, at this point I'll just slap him awake. "VAMPIRE, GET UP, THEY UH THERES A WINE SALE??" Surprisingly he shot up in hardly a SECOND. "HUUUuhh? Whaaa? *hic* Ohhh.. HeeeEY Alchemm..mfjnfnmg..zz" He literally fell asleep mid sentence. Well, it's obvious he's wasted.. and I cannot carry him.. ugh.. I'll have to just try reasoning with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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