Chapter 5 °☆~

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4th chapter today lets go!




Y/n's pov °☆~

Ive been working with sunny and moom for about 2 weeks now. Those 2 weeks have been full off sleepovers and just so much fun. Sun and moon are such good friends. Today me sun and moon have been invited by the DJMM to a party. Sun and moon were up in their room getting ready now. I had already gotten ready and was waiting on the daycare floor for them. They didnt take too long and came down after about 5 mins of waiting. Sun was dressed in bright clothing while moon looked like he had just comd freash out of hot topic. "Alright sunboy! Hot topic wannabe, lets be off!" Moon lightly punched my arm at the nickname to which me and sunny laughed at, moon joining in laughing aswell. We walk across the pizzaplex to where the part was being held. In the way there i accidentally bumped into someone. I look up and see roxanne looking back down at me. "Oh im sorry!" I say blushing in embarrassment. "Its okay kid, say your the daycare newbie right? Nice to meet you im roxanne and this is chica." I shake her and and look behind her to see Chica stood their waving with an ear splitting smile on her face. "Nice to meet you guys too! Im y/n! You guys heading to the dj's party?" I ask. Roxanne perks up at this. "Yeah! Do you, sun and moon want to walk with us?" She asks. Me and sun happily agree while moon nods. The 5 of us make our way to the party. We enter and see a bunch of workers having the time of their lives, drinking, playing games, chattinf, dancing. "Y/n!" I look up to see who was shouting me. "F/n!" I run over and hug them. "Dude i havent seen you in ages! How longs it been?" They ask. "Too long", i say head burried in their chest. "Hey do you wanna play truth or dare with us?" They ask. "Hell yeah!" I say punchinf my fist to the air. Sun, moon, roxy and chica walk up behind us and ask if they could join to which f/n agrees to. We all get to the circle of the other glamrocks. "Freddy!" I say running over and hug him. "Superstar! How have you been?" Freddy has always been a father figure for me, he practically raised me. "Ive been great!" I say pulling away from him and sitting between sun and moon. Sun leans over and whispers "you know freddy?" I nod in response and tell him ive known freddy for years. He smiles at me and i return it then the game starts. "Roxy!" F/n says. "Truth or dare?" Roxy thinks before saying truth. "Is it true you have the hots for chica?" F/n smirks. Roxy freezes and blushes hard. "I take that as a yes wolfy" f/n giggles and chica blushes keeping her smile plastered on her face. "Y/n" roxy speaks up, blush leaving her face. "Truth or dare". "Hmmmm dare!". Roxy smiles as she hands me a shot of a drink. "Dare you to drink it". "Aight bet!" I shout as i snatch it off her and drink it. My throat starts burning and i cough a little. "Was that pure fucking vodka?!" I ask as she burst out laughing. Moon giggles and i shoot him a glare instantly shutting him up. "Hot topic wannabe!" I shout earning moons attention and he scowls. "Truth or dare." I ask. "Truth." "Is it true you belive in love at first sight~" i taunt. He shoves me playfully and laughs. "Yeah i guess i do." I couldnt tell if he was joking or not but everyone burst out laughing at his answer including him. We go through a few rounds of truth or dare. "Anyone wanna play spoons?" Monty asks. "FUCK YES!" I scream. After a few rounds of spoons we all leave the party talking and laughing. After abit we part ways. "My finger still hurts from playing spoons!" Sunny whines causing me and moon to laugh. "Not funny! My finger is purple! I think ive broke it!" Sunny screams causing me and moon to laugh harder. "Sunny stop being a drama queen its not broken!" I laugh. Sunny pouts. This boy is making it so hard for me to not cry of laughter. I pull him into a hug still giggling abit. After we make our way back to the daycare. Sun and moon invited me to stay over but i planned something different. "You want us to stay in your room?" Moon asks. "Well i dont see the harm in change!" Sunny smiles. "Ok grab your shit and lets go!" After sun and moon grabbed their stuff we made our way to my room. I grabbed my keys and unlock the door revealing my room to the boys. "Woah i like your room y/n!" "Thanks guys" i smile taking a step in with the following in persuit. (Imagine your room however you want btw!) I turned on the tv and pickdd up my wii u pad. "Anyone wanna play splatoon?" I ask. Sunny immediately shot up and grabs the Wii pad playing the game. I laugh and sit back on my bed, inviting moon to come sit with me. "Hey" "Hey moon" i giggle. "Oh hold up a sec!" I say standing up plugging my electric guitar into the amp at the side of my bed on the floor. "Any requests moony?" He laughs at the nickname. "Come as you are by nirvana" he says softly. I nod and start to play. He starts singing and i smile at that. We finish the song just as sunny finished a terf war match. "LETS GO I WON!" He screams. Me and moon stifle a laugh at his childish act. "Sunny its time to sleep, cmon we have work tomorrow." "Awh one more match please?" He pleads but i didnt give in. "Fine" he pouts turning off the game. "Where are we gonna sleep?" Moon asks. "In my bed with me, its big enough for us all and we always share the sams bed at sleepovers so i didnt bother with the air mattress." I say as i lift up the bed covers getting in them. Sun and moon get in them and settle down. "Goodnight y/n, goodnight moony!" Sunny says and turns around to sleep. "Goodnight." Moon says closing his eyes. After abit i could hear moons soft snores. I smile and look up to my ceiling. Whats this feeling in my stomach? I dont know but if im gonna be honest. I kinda like it. I think as i drift off into the land of dreams. 

(1132 words) 

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