"They didn't hurt you, right?" He asked again. "No one touched you, right?"

"No one." she shook her head and pointed somewhere behind them. "I stayed down there until Hwa came and took me here!"

Jaemin eyed the scared boy, who still had his hand tight around Jaerin's. He looked so small. Jaemin's heart ached for some reason.

"Hello Hwasung." He greeted. "Remember me?"

The boy took a small step back, halfly hiding behind Jaerin. Yet he did a nod.

"How are you here?" Jaemin wanted to know.

"I..... I live here..."


Jaemin bit back a curse.

You fucking idiot— of course he would be here! He's Kwon Jihoon's son.

Which makes him half siblings with— wow...

Coming back to the main point, he cleared his throat. Then took Jaerin's hand in his.

"Listen well, okay?" He started. "Remember uncle Chanchan?"


"Right.... so, he's—" he had to make out his plan in simple words. "He is outside, okay? He will take you home."

Jaerin made a face. "Aren't you coming with us?"

"Do I have to go too?" Hwasung joined in, rather calmly.

Jaemin didn't have the heart to leave one out. Hwasung definitely needed saving just as much as Jaerin did. And he most definitely did not want the poor kid to witness his father getting punched to death infront of him.

By then he was sure that it was Kwon Jihoon who had killed Meisoo. That only made one thing clear. He was the one who killed Renjun as well.

Jaemin was out for blood.

"Yes, both of you." He nodded. "I'll come back soon right after I get your daddy out of here, okay?"

"Will he be okay? I think he is hurt." Jaerin reminded him.

Please be safe. Please be safe. Please be safe—

"He will." Jaemin promised. "Now do as I—"

Someone's shadow fell upon them.

Jaemin hurried to his feet, pushing the two kids behind him. Voices came along with rushed footsteps.

"Go." He urged, running to the opposite side, covering the kids as much as possible. "Don't look back."

And they ran.

They ran until Jaemin could find another spot to hide. But the other party seemed a little too prepared. Soon enough the three were surrounded by dark shadows.

"Catch him!" someone commanded.

Jaemin wasn't sure what happened after that.

All he could hear was gunshots. Bullets flew around like rain drops. He couldn't even see who attacked them. But his body reacted faster than his brain.

He pushed the kids to another corner, knocking down few failry huge containers to have a sheild like barrier. No one seemed to find them.

It was clear that the shooters didn't know their target much well. They probably acted out of reflex. Good for them.

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