Q and A no. 2

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Q 1: Is she your only pet?
A: Sadly yes, Though I really want another cat my parents think is too expensive and too much responsibility, it probably took me 4 years to convince them to buy Ginger.

Q 2: Is she cuddly?
So-so. Ginger knows what she wants and sometimes she does snuggle on my lap. However this only happens at like 4 a m and she always attacks me in the middle of the night to wake me up, RIP my sleep schedule 💀

Q 3: Where does she usually sleep?
Normally Ginger sleeps either at the edge of the bed, the top of the couch or on the bottom stair of the staircase (yes she has made me fall down the stairs several times)

All of these questions were asked by @SlytherinFromCHB Thank you so much for asking!
Let me know if any of you guys have questions and I will make a third Q and A

Luv y'all!

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