Epilogue: Part - 3: The Seduction

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) pauses. "Betrothal letters?"

Ty Lee squints at her. "You're telling me you don't know?"

Know what?

"Sokka is about the most eligible bachelor in the Fire Nation. Heck, in the world. Ever since Zuko proposed to Mai, every woman or her parents have been sending Sokka letters in hope that he'd marry their sweet daughters." Ty Lee blinks her eyes flirtatiously. "I sent my own application, but sadly, it was declined."

(Y/n) hums. "He is a councilman. And Zuko's right hand. People do like his political power."

"Don't forget his good looks and great arms," Ty Lee makes a mini rawr sound and claws her hands. (Y/n) grimaces. "Yeah, not like any of those letters change a thing. He's rejected every single one of them."

"Hold up, aren't you a spy for Sokka?" At her nod, she asks, "Then why are you spying on him?"

"Please," Ty Lee scoffs. "I wouldn't be his spymaster if he didn't want me to spy on him too."

That's fair.

"So, he's really rejected them all?"

Ty Lee rolls her eyes. "Like he'd ever choose anyone when you're here. Do you have any idea how many women have wanted to poison your drink?"

(Y/n) startles. "Have they?"

"Maybe one. I usually report them to Sokka, and he deals with them. Frankly, he's scary when it comes to you. Hot, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that glare."


Her training session goes poorly. Partly because her mind is still stuck on those betrothal letters, and partly because Toph joined in, so half of her students ended up covered in dirt trying to take Toph down.

Toph was laughing the whole time, and (Y/n) had to send her into a time-out after heckling at them.

When she got home, she found Sokka deep in his work in the little office, writing furiously on parchment. She checks the kitchen and finds noodles steaming on a counter.

(Y/n) doesn't exactly sneak up on Sokka. He normally would have noticed her. But because he's engrossed in work, he doesn't notice her walking up and around the table until she's behind him.

He startles when she lays her hands on his shoulders. The muscles are tense under her fingers.

"I didn't hear you come in," Sokka says, shuffling the parchment hurriedly. "I was waiting for you to come home for dinner, but I thought I might as well write letters."

(Y/n) peeks over his shoulder. "The betrothal letters?"

Sokka glances at her, blue eyes wide. "How'd you know about that?"

"I have my ways." She slowly massages his shoulders, and he melts into it. "Is that why you're so tense?"

"They just won't stop!" Sokka lets himself be pulled from the chair and to the little dining table, where (Y/n) serves them both noodles. "And not to toot my own horn – I know I'm a catch – but most of the letters are clearly written by parents wanting to marry off their daughters! And if I do get letters from the daughters themselves, they're usually twelve years old!"

(Y/n) can't stop the little laugh, and Sokka huffs. "What can I say? You're a ladies' man. They can't resist themselves when they see all of 'this'." She gestures to him.

Sokka's eyes glimmer with interest. "All women?"

That sounds like he's trying to get her to admit something.

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