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Born a Mitchell, Valerie has always thrived to follow in her fathers footsteps. From a very young age, she has always taken an interest in pilots and planes. The moment she stepped on to the tarmac at age of two, she knew this was for her

Enter Bradley Bradshaw. The son of her fathers best friend. Much like their parents, they instantly became best friends. Although Bradley was two years her senior and never let her forget it, he was always willing to help her. Given their fathers jobs, they were each others teacher. Bradley taught Valerie how to ride a bike and Valerie taught him how to do a tie

When they finally reached the academy, Bradley was the only person that could compete with her. Or rather the only person that would. No one else challenged her the way he did. Even with their constant rivalry throughout the academy, their friendship only grew stronger

In the end, they were split up, sent to different squadrons, but that didn't stop them from thinking about each other. After a while, however, messages slowly stopped being read, phone calls didn't last as long until they were never answered. But no matter how many years passed, they couldn't seem to forget each other. Yet if they saw each other across the tarmac, neither knew what to do, so they just kept walking. That was until Top Gun, when their paths crossed over once again. Will something create sparks between them once again or will they continue their careers, not knowing what to do when they met again?

A/N - Although the story will be set during the movie, the time span is longer. I still haven't decided how long I will extend it by but I will update this when I've decided :)

Airbourne ║ 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐖Where stories live. Discover now