Reader was away for a long time.

Start from the beginning

"You'd better save your strength, because we've got quite a long way up." You sighed softly, looking at the huge wall once again. It will be a long and demanding climb...


As you predicted, it was a very tiring climb, but you finally saw your destination. Loki was practically at the top, you had maybe two meters to climb. You had already smiled to yourself that you were finally at home again when you heard a familiar voice.

"Hello." You paused for a moment to look up. You saw none other than Heimdall with his smirk on his face. He held an apple in one hand and held Loki's wrist with the other. "So... What part of the enormous wall made you think: 'Oh, visitors must be welcome'?" Then the stones under the boy's feet fell off and he was only holding on with one hand, and of course Heimdall was holding him.

"Leave him, Heimdall." You said as you were practically on top, all you had to do was pull yourself up.

"Who do my eyes see? Y/n herself! Did you train or race with this kid?" You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself up, finally sitting on top of the wall.

Your relationship with Heimdall was... complicated. You didn't seem to like each other very much (at least he didn't like you) and you actually loved to tease each other on a daily basis, especially him you. You had peace for too long? You could be sure he was about to show up next to you with some unflattering comment, ready to ruin your day.

But on the other hand... Well, that's where the complexity of your relationship started. He seemed to despise you differently than the others because you had a kind of... arrangement and sometimes you spent nights together in yours or his room.

Maybe it was a stupid move on your part to get into this arrangement, but hey - you liked him overall, so why not? Besides - you never told him, but you also didn't rule out that he figured it out himself - you saw possibly more in him than everyone else. That was the reason why you often ignored his comments or didn't take them personally, because you knew how Odin treated him and everything around him was overwhelming.

Maybe... You wanted to be the one person in his life he could trust? Who would like him no matter what?

"I prefer to train in the evening, it's cooler then." you replied, taking a deep breath after the hard climb. "Honestly, I think Huginn just took offense at me."

"Oh, yes. He said you threatened to rip all his feathers off."

"I didn't say anything like that!" you shouted back. You may have thought about this from time to time, but you certainly never said it. And the damn bird can't read minds like Heimdall, can it?

"Hey,think you could pull me up or...?" Loki spoke suddenly, reminding about himself.

"No, I don't think I will. I think maybe I'll drop you"

"Pull him in, he's the All-father's guest." You said as you stood up after your short rest. "Huginn told me. Let's go." You didn't wait for them anymore, you just headed straight forward.

But you heard Heimdall's heavy sigh behind you and how he pulled Loki up after all, just like you said.

Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't pay much attention to how Heimdall treated Loki in his traditional way. When you were already down in the city, you said that you don't need a ride to the All-father's house, after all, you have legs, they haven't given up yet after climbing.

Besides, on the way you could say hello to all the Asgardians you know and watch the Valkyrie's training for a while. As soon as you see Thrúd, you'll have to ask her how her training is going, after all, she dreamed of becoming a Valkyrie. Oh how glad you were to finally be back home...

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