Reader was away for a long time.

984 22 2

You just found the item Odin asked you for. You come back from a mission that took you much longer than you thought it will, and Heimdall seems angry about it... You already had a specific relationship and spent the night together from time to time, but what is he up to now? And you? Is it just "friendship" with benefits for you, or did you see something more in Heimdall?


The task that Odin gave you wasn't complicated, but it took you a lot of time. You would never expect that finding a single artifact in Midgard could be so time consuming. You've been living in this winter-covered world for about eight weeks now, but finally... You finally got what you came here for.

Now just find Huginn where he was supposed to be waiting for you and you can go back to warm Asgard...

Walking through the forest you better covered yourself with a warm, fur coat. It was windy and snowing all the time. On your belt you had both the artifact you obtained and the sword you kept your hand on all the time in case someone attacked you. You've already had a close encounter with someone's knife, luckily it was quite blunt... Thanks to that, you only had a shallow gash on the side of your cheek, not a deep gash across half your face.

You were slowly approaching your destination, but suddenly you heard some sounds of fighting deeper in the forest. Grabbing your sword tighter, you decided to check it out - after all, you've already spent eight weeks in this cold, another fifteen minutes won't make a difference, will it?

It turned out that near a house, a strange boy was fighting with Hel-Reavers. You thought that since you came, you would help him. So you drew your sword and together you quickly dealt with everyone.

"Thanks for your help, em..." he said when it was over and you were holstering your weapon.

"Y/n." You gave your name, smiling slightly. "And you? And what are you doing here?"

"My name is Loki. And... It's complicated. I need to get somewhere." He explained, clearly not sure if he could trust you to tell you everything.

"Me too, I need to get home." You sighed softly, looking around. Why did you come to help him? Because you have such a good heart? It seems so... You were about to throw some farewell text when suddenly you heard cawing and a raven flew out of the house you were fighting next to. "Huginn? What are you doing here, you were supposed to wait for me to take me back to Asgard!"

"Wait, you live in Asgard? Really? That's where I was going!"

"Really? Why?" Loki didn't have time to answer you, Huginn explained everything to you. You've only been gone eight weeks and Odin's already bringing in more people to do work for him? "Let's go, I'm sick of this cold." You shivered as the icy wind blew once more.

Loki got a little closer to you and after a while Huginn transported both of you to Asgard. Happy that you finally felt the warmth of the sun again, you took off the hood from your face, but your joy did not last long, because instead of familiar houses and cities, you saw... fields and a huge wall.

"Seriously, Huginn? I know you can take us behind the wall!" The raven answered you briefly, no, and began to fly away. "Hey, wait! I'm not done talking to you yet!" but it was too late, you were forced to get behind the wall by yourself.

You turned to Loki, who finally had a chance to see your face in all its glory and seemed to associate you with something.

"Oh yes, that y/n! How could I not figure it out?" You rolled your eyes. He probably recognized you just because of them, and more specifically because of their completely black color.

Heimdall one-shots || GOW RagnarökDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora