"Ha-yoon of course I care! I apologised to you, is that not what you wanted?" My shoulders slumped as I let my strong façade falter.

"Yes of course it's what I wanted." I spoke softly, then changed my antics. "But you had to be told by someone to even do it in the first place." I scoffed. "I'm just surprised you managed to get those words out your mouth. "I'm sorry Ha-yoon" damn it does feel great hearing that, but not when there isn't even an ounce of truth behind it! You've been treating both me and Jun-woong like shit ever since we started working here. So he deserves an apology too."

"And I will! But you have to accept it first." I said nothing for a few seconds but he seemed to take my silence as an answer as he got angry at me once more "I shouldn't have even came out here to apologise to you, never mind Jun-woong! If you reacted so ungratefully is he going to aswell?" It was getting heated.

"Ryung-gu-" he cut me off and shook his head. "You know what? Fuck you! Just because you didn't get the answer you wanted you're acting so childishly!"

All those emotions from before had returned. I came outside to walk them off and cool down, but here he is once again firing my fuel. Being the match to my fuse. Testing my limits.

He scoffed "And for the record." He inched towards me, so that we were centimetres apart once more "You were right, I don't care. Not one bit." He spoke with venom. His face was contorted into anger and disgust.

I saw red.

Anger of my own bubbled inside me. Voices telling me to do unholy things. My blood was boiling and so was my skin.

I wasn't able to process what I was doing, from the moment I was staring at him, to the buildup of my frustration, to my fist colliding harshly against his face. He let out a groan and hit hard against the concrete.

I shouldn't have done it.

But I loved every second of it.

"Hm, and I don't care about the state your in right now. Not one bit." People rushed over in concern, asking if he was okay.

I left him there and trudged back to the workplace, meeting up with Koo-Ryeon and Jun-woong who had a sly smile on his face. "So" he spoke up once I sat down "how'd it go?" He grinned cheekily, obviously expecting a good response.


I turned around to the voice behind me, seeing Ryung-gu clutching his jaw and glaring at me. Jun-woong's smile dropped.

Koo-ryeon stormed over to her friend with concern and frustration. "What happened?"
She spoke bitterly, looking between me and Ryung-gu.

"This bitch punched me."

"Because this bitch provoked me."

"Shut up!" She was definitely fuming. "I've had enough of the two of you constantly bickering. Mr Lim, stop tormenting her! You heard what the director said, we have to look after them and it was you who decided to let them roll with us in the first place. Mrs Jang, you can't physically assault somebody like that, okay? Maybe you should read all the rules and follow them before you're kicked off the team, or worse, kicked out of Jumadeung."

Neither of us said a word.

"Am I clear?" She spoke through her teeth. As we both mumbled a response under our breath. "Good. Now we need to get back to work, come on." She strutted away as usual and left the pair of us embarrassed, dumbfounded and guilty as he also left the room. Jun-woong had both a disappointed and confused look on his face and as we made eye contact, he sighed and walked away. I was the only person in the room before I followed.

𝑁𝑂𝑆𝐸 𝑃𝐼𝐶𝐾𝐸𝑅 // Ryung gu x ocWhere stories live. Discover now