Hence when the man slowly stands up like a lifeless robot after hours of waiting and moves towards the glass door that leads toward the huge open terrace his fear and insecurity skyrockets. He very carefully follows him. The very moment he enters his eyes widen out of sheer panic. He sees how he slowly climbs up and stands on the thick glass made fence. Without realizing the only words that could stop him slips out of his mouth.

"She is awake." He shouts.
"Vasudha is awake!" He lies again and the grey puffy eyes snap towards him and as if possessed, he immediately climbs down. He was just about to run out of the terrace when Nihal's voice echoes through the terrace once again.

"I lied Dan. She.... she isn't. She..is still...." Before he could utter another word his body falls on the ground due to the strong punch on his face and then multiple punches land on both sides of his face as the hoarse voice booms,

"You.. you did this to her. I trusted you. I trusted you with my life and you betrayed me. You took her away from me. Why?! Why did you do this? Why....why can't I have the one thing I've ever wanted, why can't I have her in my arms, why can't I love her.... why?"
He stands up all of a sudden as his whole body shakes with pain and rage. He knows he can't do this to Nihal but he needs to release this extreme pain someway or the other so he chooses the wall and keeps punching, punching till a small, rough and weak voice pierces through his adamant skull.

"Hey there big guy, will you please l-leave that poor wall alone."

His hand freezes midair as his whole body trembles. Frightened, he feels frightened. Is he hallucinating? Is this some sick joke? Or is she....

"Look at me you big baby!" The voice comes again and his breathing stops. He snaps his head toward where the sound is coming from.

She is there, standing there at the door, Zoya and Abhirup are holding her from behind as her other friends along with Ojas and Maya enter the terrace.

Her hair is disheveled, her lips pale, she is still in the godforsaken green hospital robe. But her warm light brown eyes are filled with tears as they look at him, with love, adoration and so many other emotions. He feels weak all of a sudden and finally after all this war, his knees give away. He simply falls on the ground on both of his knees and his eyes fill with tears. Although he tries, he tries his best to keep his face emotionless but his whole body vibrates as more tears pour out of his eyes.

Ignoring the pain in her body she tries to move. Ganika tries to stop her but she shakes her head 'no' to her. Nihal looks at her and feels overwhelmed. She looks at him and gives him the most assuring smile she had ever given to anyone. She knows he is blaming himself and she needs to talk to him later but right now she needs some time alone with her man.

Nihal immediately stands up and indicates the others to leave the terrace and they reluctantly do as they are told.


He sees her struggling, he tries to stand up but his body gets numb. The closer she comes the more his fear grows. What if he is still imagining? What if she is still fighting inside that gloomy hospital cabin? All alone? But the very moment the light earthly smell hits his nose his body stiffens. This is her, this is truly her. His Sudha. His thought becomes true the very moment she cups his face within her warm hands and makes him look upwards at her. He gasps at the touch, then starts panting. His eyes tear up once again. Seeing his state her eyebrows furrow and she immediately pulls him within her embrace as he nestels his face in her stomach.

"Calm down, love. See here, I am all right. I had to be. Didn't I promise you?" She cooes and he immediately wraps his arms around her waist pulling her more into him.

"But.... but you break your promises." He complained like a child, still keeping his head hidden within her embrace. Her fingers subconsciously run through his head and she feels him releasing a sound close to purring on her stomach.

"I know. But trust me, I've learnt my lesson and I'll never break my promises ever again. My love for you has surpassed every possible limits." Her words make him snap his head upwards and look into her eyes as he immediately stands up with his eyes wide with disbelief. Nearing him, she slowly places her hands on his chest and says,

"Danuj, it's you that brought me back, your voice that kept urging me to wake up. I heard your pain, I heard your voice, I heard you, otherwise I would've been long gone." Her words make him go frantic once again.

"Stop! Please stop right there!" He says and Vasudha looks at his face with immense affection and sadness. The fact that this man would've died with her is something she already knew. She knows he fails to express but her love for him is nothing in comparison to how intently and deeply he loves her.

"Do you have any idea how devastated I have been? Do you even know what you do to me? How much power you hold over me? You don't! I know you don't, otherwise...." She fails to let him continue as her lips automatically reaches his silencing his words. His body stiffens at the sudden advance but as if it was the last resort he was looking forward to his eyes close on their own as his arms wound around her waist and pull her against his chest. Her one hand cups his face as the other roams around his head. The pain her body was feeling suddenly vanishes into thin air, all she feels is the need to make this man feel how much he means to her, how much she loves him, how much she can do for him. Their lips move in sync, as if forged for each other. The more she deepens the kiss the more he groans. His one hand moves from her waist to grab her by her head, pulling her even closer, even deeper, if that's humanly possible. His kiss isn't the usual tender one, it shows what he feels, and God knows, he feels starved and hungry. It's an eternal appetite, something that'll only increase with time.

The cold morning breeze touches both of them, but none of them is ready to get out of their warm comfortable bubble. It's home, they find home in each other. Danuj fails to control himself as he simply inclines his back towards the wall that he was punching just a few minutes back and pulls her flash against him, as his lips keep peppering kisses everywhere possible.

And just like that, ending the prolonged darkness, the sun rises, blessing both of them with all its light and glory.


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Love, Puja.🌤

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