I'm yours

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The atmosphere in the Caravan was filled with happiness and love. Ilgaz was glancing time and time again at Ceylin, who never had looked more beautiful to her than now – so happy and peaceful. For most of the ride, she sang along to the various songs from the radio, swaying passionately to the beat of the music. Her voice had a beautiful, pure timbre, and it seemed like the woman knew the lyrics of every song that was played. Ilgaz felt Ceylin's eyes on him, so he grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly, briefly looking into her eyes, wanting to express all his joy and gratitude for finding and welcoming him back into her life. Regretfully he let go of her hand and focused again on the road and on getting to their destination safely. After a moment he felt Ceylin's gentle touch on his cheek, to which he instinctively leaned, enjoying the affectionate gesture.

After a two-hour drive, he parked the caravan in a forest clearing. He got out of the car and walked over to the delighted Ceylin, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on the top of her head. For a while, they were just enjoying the fresh forest air, listening to the birds chirping and the sound of the nearby river, and admiring the lush plants.

"Ilgaz, it's so beautiful here," Ceylin sighed, stunned by the peaceful atmosphere of the place.

"Mhm," nodded Ilgaz, "but if you want, we can still find some accommodation in town. The bed in the caravan is even smaller and more uncomfortable than the one in your office."

"No, it's perfect here. And as for the couch... we have another reason to cuddle," she said this while snuggling even tighter into Ilgaz's chest, who put his arms around her even tighter in response.

"Mmm, just cuddling?" he asked playfully, and unable to help himself, he began to slowly kiss the side of her slender neck.

"Is the Prosecutor having any lustful thoughts? You surprise me, I thought you were one of those gentlemen who wait until marriage to have sex," she said while turning in his arms and clasping her hands around his neck.

"I'm full of surprises, Mrs. Advocate, and I'm going to prove it to you for the rest of my days," he murmured before ebgaging her lips in a passionate kiss that left them both panting heavily.

"Love really sharpened your sense of humor, Ilgaz," they both knew that Ilgaz was just as full of surprises as Ceylin full of patience, "Why don't we go for a walk before it gets dark, Mister Full of Surprises?" she asked jokingly then pinched his cheek lightly.

"Let's go," Ilgaz took her hand, and they slowly walked down the path leading into the woods.

"Have you been here before?" asked Ceylin seeing how confident Ilgaz felt on the forest path, who turned at forks without a second thought and knew exactly where the terrain was getting steeper.

"I often came here with my mum and Çinar during the holidays, sometimes my dad would join us if he hadn't had a case, which was rare. After my mother's death, I've been here a few times with Çinar and I was planning to take Defne with us someday, I don't want her to feel left out of this tradition," Ceylin only tightened her grip on his hand at his confession and snuggled closer into his shoulder. Ilgaz rarely talked about his mother, so Ceylin always appreciated these conversations, knowing how difficult they were for Ilgaz.

When they suddenly stepped to the top of a small hill, Ceylin gasped with delight at the scenery in front of her eyes. She admired how the rays of the evening sun reflected in the treetops located on the hillside, fascinated by their different shades of green. The sun against the background of a perfectly blue sky, was slowly sinking towards the west.

Ilgaz watched Ceylin's joyous reaction to the beauty of the place. Her eyes shone excitedly, her cheeks were charmingly tinted pink, her lips stretched out in a wide smile and a light breeze blew her hair. He wondered if it was the right time. He supposedly "proposed" to Ceylin a few hours ago on the side of the road, but he wanted to do it properly. Ceylin could have misunderstood him then, and she could have understood his words quite differently. His heart began to pound as if it was about to escape from his chest. What if he will just make an idiot of himself? They just got divorced, maybe he should give her more time? Would she even want to get married? When they talked about it a few months ago, she made it clear that she didn't like the idea of a normal, traditional wedding. And what if that hasn't changed?

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