U.S.J's under attack part 1

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Izuku and Izuael were in bed making Tenko and Rumi to wake them up for school making Kurogiri to have bacon and eggs for breakfast with deer steak making the two to have watery mouth from the smell of it making Tenko to chuckle.

Rumi got use to the meat and can still have her carrots since Rabbit and Bunny Dragons eat them as well, too. Tenko, Izuku and Izuael got use to the meat, but once they left the Human Realm, they got to eaten more meat than before.

Izuku and Izuael asked Tenko if they can hang out with some of their classmates after school making Tenko to allow it if Keigo keeps watch with Touya to be on the safe side which they didn't stop as they agreed to it fully.

They got stopped by the press asking them questions about their daddy making them to try and stay calm, but no luck making Aizawa to come and help out as he has Nezu on his shoulders who letchers them for this as they're stopping students from going to class.

He even filed a complain with Izuku and Izuael making this to be serious as every report station called them all back and Izuku during lunch sneaked in and got the lesson plans for Tenko to keep him form doing anything like letting the press into the school.

Izuael distracts everyone else making it easier while Toshinori tries to figure out the words with Nezu giving him a hand with it since he should learn some of the words. Izuku and Izuael got ready as their onii-chan told them they'll attack, but will have Human helpers.

"Not dragging any Dragons into this." Both agreed and Touya joins the 'L.O.V.E' group and will act differently as they stay near the bar base to keep this one hidden. Izuku got every single low-level class Villains from D to A to help Tenko out even more making there to be too many.

'They're tough, but this is too much really.' Tenko thinks as Izuku made it look like he's going to take over the school and change it into a Villain School. Izuku looks embarrassed as he didn't that's how he made his onii-chan looked really.

Izuael laughs as Izuku chases her making the other four to chuckle as it's never a dull moment with them around really making Tenko to smile a bit more before he saw their daddy in a Hero Magazine making him to miss him greatly.

That very day, four Female Humans were attacked by the Dragon Villain and they're suffering the same fate as the previous one did making him to laugh evil as no one can stop him. Izuku and Izuael wonders what they're going to be learning.

Uraraka and Iida were happy as they can hang out with them after school making them to be happy and think of a good spot which both said never been to an arcade before. They'll head there first then after school making them to have fun with this.

Izuku and Izuael has to hide that they helped their onii-chan as once they entered making them to keep away from their onii-chan as he shows up and with the Villain Army that Izuku got for him making Aizawa and Thirteen to freak out cause of this.

Likely all Dragons can adapt to survive making Izuku and Izuael to be teleported to the beams without anyone knowing about it making them to watch down before as the two teachers worry about where the two are and if they're safe from harm.

"Fend mu uful do mun classmates, zeymah? (Should we worry about the human classmates, brother?)"

"Nah. Do mun kiir fen kos flogah, briinah. Pah do daar Vokulin los Mun gein ahrk ni Dovah gein. (Nah. The Human children will be fine, sister. All of those Villains are Human ones and not Dragon ones.)"

"Zu'u lorfonaar you're viilut... Nuz zu'u tul ahraan do niin. (I guess you're right... But I'm still scared about them.)"

"Mu ofaal lok zahd. Mu fen lingraav niin ahrk iidah waan mu praag wah buld vok het. (We got the high point. We will watch them and attack if we need to from up here."

"Bek. Vosro frolk nau niin. (Alright. Let's check on them.)"

"Geh. Vosro. (Yes. Let's.)" Tenko heard them and hides his snickers as his little siblings are too smart for him to understand them. Ashido saw a weird looking Villain and neither Tenko or the twins realized this one's a Dragon Villain who knows how to hide their scent.

"Hi los dii nu, hinzaal Mun. (You're mine now, stupid Human.)" Ashido doesn't understand what he's saying and now he jumped her making her to be pinned down onto her back and she can't move. Ashido's scared as she can't get lose from his grip.

"Los nu, Mun. (Mine now, Human.)" He said as he holds her two wrist by one hand and rips her Hero outfit right off of her body making him like what he's looking at from her. Ashido's three measurements are: seventy-six inches, fifty-nine inches and ninety-three inches.

'Tozeinvu. (Perfect.)' This Dragon Villain loves it as he licks his chops making Ashido to being to scream, but it had gotten blocked as he blocked her with one sentence.

"Mun zul wadren. (Human voice blocked.)" Ashido can't hear her voice making her to shake in fear as this is not a good thing right now as she silently scream as he smirks lustfully down onto her as he's going to be having fun with this one fully.

AN: The next chapter's the raping scene plus going to be very long and if you want to skip it, go to the arrow pointing down where you see the story's title and author's name and then go to the next chapter after the next chapter to skip the rape scene.

Now to explain how he got in even if I explained he hid his scent from them, but he's raised fully without speaking Human and can hide it by using Human voices speaking the words than a Dragon voice making it easier to hide he's a Dragon Villain to the three siblings.

He's Human Form's only for raping Female Humans and that's it as he's over six hundred-years-old making him to have done this multiplying times and making an army which's defeated and then raised properly by the winners of each war he casted abound them fully.

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