Behind the bleachers

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On Monday you walked in your English class with Marcy's book, the teacher did a pleased look with all the kids who already had books. You didn't waste a second turning to page one to start reading it. You didn't know how much time went by before the teacher crouched down beside your desk, "(Y/N), show me your book title". You flipped your book up to show the teacher Marcy's book hoping the teacher would approve it. She looked pleased with it and wrote it down on (her/his) clipboard with an approving grin, (she/he) went to another kid and asked for their book title.

You sighed in relief that you wouldn't have to ask Marcy for another book and you continued to read. It didn't take long until the five minutes were up and you had to put the book in your backpack.

Time skip

It was finally lunch and Marcy took you to behind the bleachers to eat, she claims that's where the cool kids go but the teachers said in their time that's where you went if you wanted drugs or to skip gym/class but mostly both. The reason she wanted to eat there was cause after lunch she wanted you to paint her nails green and she didn't want the smell of nail polish disturbing the other kids lunch, it was a good thing the bleachers were mostly empty.
You unscrewed the green nail polish as she wrote with a stick in the ground, 'Marcy Wuz here!' and you started to paint her nails, you slowly dragged the brush down her nails and made sure nothing got on her skin cause dried nail polish on skin is a total nightmare.

You guys took off your shoes to get more comfortable. But she didn't let you paint her nails until she put on a song for you guys to listen to.

When you were done painting them she blew her nails dry, "Thanks (Y/N)! Can I paint yours too?"Marcy asked when her nails were all the way dry "Sure...". She unscrewed the lid to the same green nail polish you painted her nails with, you laid on your stomach and let her paint your nails to match hers. "So how you liking the book so far?"Marcy asked dragging the nail polish down your nails "I'm liking it, I'm just glad the teacher approved it for the unit...I'm on page 20 already cause I read some in my last period"You mentioned. Since Marcy finished the book as well she was able to follow with the conversation she started, though she almost spoiled a part she forgot you didn't read but you blocked her before she could.

You got so wrapped up in the conversation you didn't feel her add nail stickers to your nails. Guess that's the thing Marcy made you do, once you get wrapped in a conversation with her you can't get out. You took a look at what she added to your nails and saw she added gold letter stickers to your painted green nails and used your nails to spell out the word 'pretty' for you. "A reminder in cause a meanie calls you ugly!"Marcy cheered. You shook staring at your nails blushing redder than a tomato, Marcy Regina Wu calling you pretty.

The bell rang for lunch being over and you got up, "Uh...Thanks for letting me paint your nails and painting mine, but uh we should get to class"You stuttered but just when you took a step back you tripped over your shoes. You were lucky where the bleachers were was pure grass and dirt or else you would have hurt yourself. You giggled nervously and put your shoes back on with Marcy. You could have sworn you felt like Mar Mar jinxed you by playing that song mentioning tripping over your shoes.

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