Chapter 12

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The Astrals and the Stars were staying at the Omega Timeline, The Astrals thought that it'd be the best for them to stay there till they figure how to get them to their own multiverse,

And the Stars appreciated that a lot, and meeting more people in this au was cool, They had met the Player, a grey skin tonned child like Core Frisk, though unlike them, Player had some color, of red and black.

Player showed them around after the astrals left, and then let them be,

Guess, Player had the role of Core Frisk,

Now here was the Stars, just sitting alone at the.. well gribly's of the omega timeline? Well, there was a Grilby au there, and random people from other aus were sitting there,

Blue was pretty interested in that! And he was sure he even saw a version of Outer there with Science,

Though when looking in more detail, Blue could notice a scar on his eye.

It seemed like as if it was done on purpouse, but Blue didn't want to stare more, to not make the other Outer uncomfy.

After the silence within the Stars, Ink finnally spoke up,

"You know, I do love all the creativity that the creators make, but really, they just made me a straight up stupid."

"Dang. Didn't need to say that infront of me Ink-" Blue said, It was obvious that this other Ink was like Blue, The clothes, personality all that!

Just with different goals,

The Ink of this universe wanting to be a future protecter of this au.

Once again breaking the silence, Ink continued to speak,

"But it is true."

Then Dream got in, trying to stop this little possible argument before it could even start.

"Hey guys, So, I know it is nice and all to stay here, And I like it too! But we should try to find out a way to go back, The others are probably worried about us,"

By changing the topic that is,

But really! They should find a way to get outta here anyways,

"Well. When we do that, we can just leave the bad guys here. Wouldn't be a problem for us now!"

Said Ink, It sounded like a joke, but knowing Ink it was not,

Dream continued, "I don't think that is a good idea-"

"You said the same thing about letting bad guys kill everyone in an au since I can just re do them!"

Ink replied,

"That is not good too!"

"Look you say the same thing to everything! " Ink continued with his statement.

Meanwhile, Blue continued to look around, examining the different aus, while the two of his teammates were fighting.

Hm.. Well there was two sans' that he never saw before, In their multiverse they probably had them, but Blue hadn't seem that yet,

Two Sans' were wearing mask, the two looking similiar, one with green jacket while the other one having the same as classic's or well dark blue.

While Blue was looking around, Ink and Dream was still arguing, Then Blue just got up and exited Grilby's,

He had an idea of exploring more and meeting new people


Outer had no idea what to do with the new information Core has given, surely he was gonna tell some people to help the Star's but he didn't even know where they were!

Outer did hope, the Star's would just pop outta nowhere, so that he didn't need to do anything but that wasn't happening.

But atleast he had a few ideas on who he should ask.


Blue started walking around, this Omega Timeline seemed just like their own, just not quite like,

What they meant by not quiet right was.. some place's placement swapped, but it still seemed pretty cool, and there was many new people, he hadn't talked to new people yet, but he surely was g-

Oh. He bumped to someone. Stumbling back, he looked at the person, seeing the person on the floor.

Gee that wasn't a great first impression at all-

"I am really sorry! " Said Blue while giving an hand out for the person on the ground,

The person took it, and said:

"No probs brah! You good?"

..Oh. It was that Fresh like Lavender again-

Unlike their Fresh, this abomination of Lavender wore much worse pastel clothes, while still some parts having neon colors, with some lavender flowers poking out from a few places,

Oh dear toriel, what have we done to you Lavender.

Blue just stayed here, having the same face as the first time he met Lavender, but answered,

".Good- Thank you?"

Of all the people he could've met, of course it was this weird Lavender,

"How ya been doing my flowery dude! Been a long time since seeing you and your rad friends falling outta a portal! "

Lavender said,

"Hey.. Lavender? With all due respect, what the *hail* are y-"

"Swear jar! Not good brah!"

Lavender said, and continued to speak,

"I don't think you'd want to know." Lavender continued, and he said this with the most monotone voice,

Making Blue take a few step back,

"Buuut! Anyways Cornflower boy! C'ya later!"

Lavender said, and then throwing something onto the ground, then everywhere was in smokes, oh. Wow.

The smokes scent was full of flowers, that was new.

And then Lavender was gone,

Meanwhile, Blue was *confuseed* on what was happening, he walked anyways, trying to act like nothing happened.

Hehe. Get the pun?

Anyways, Blue continued exploring.

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