ramen is so good

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Chapter 1

"No, Y/n. No more coffee for you. It's already about dinner time so you should go home," Akaashi orders with a strict look in his eye. You pout since your really wanted some more but your friend and classmate isn't letting you. You'll just get some on the way back to your apartment- "Y/n, I know what your thinking. Don't have more coffee."

"Damn it Keiji. You're like a mind reader." You pack your stuff from your table you and Akaashi sat at at a cafe. You just finished a work session with him since your class has a project due soon. You have these work session a lot anyways since you two are both in a writing major at the same university. You two are also close friends due to working on a project together once and you accidentally spilling coffee all over him once.

"I'll see you tomorrow." With that, Akaashi leaves, leaving you alone isn't he cage. You too step out of the cafe after putting all your stuff in your hand, still angry about the coffee thing.

As you step out, you take in the spring - almost summer - air before walking in the direction of your apartment. Well, you and Atsumu's apartment.

You've been friends with Miya Atsumu since high school. You both went to Inarizaki and you were a part of the yearbook club who has told to interview the popular volleyball team that he was in. You interviewed him and have been friends ever since. When you two started university, you decided to share an apartment to save some money, despite the fact that you go to different universities. Osamu said he would rather not live with you two so he has his own place. Sucks for him, you two are amazing roommates.

It's your turn to cook today but you don't really feel like cooking after a long day at school. Well, a longer then usual day at school. Instead, you decide to pop by a ramen place you both like and get something to go.

After giving your order, you turn around to look around the place. You can't help but notice the different couples around the place. You've been in a couple relationships before but nothing really stuck. The people you dated were just jerks who ended up just making you sad.

You sigh before turning back around to wait a bit longer for your order. Soon, the food comes out and you have to resist the urge to just eat it all right then and there. Ramen is so good.

A short walk later, you finally reach your home that is always pleasant to enter. You use your key to get in, saying hi to the person at the desk on the way to the elevator. She gives you a look that you know all to well and your eyes widen before you sigh in annoyance.

So Atsumu's brought another girl over without telling you. Let's get this over with.

You get to your apartment room and open the door, internally preparing yourself for whatever is going to happen. You hear two voices laughing, one belonging to your friend and the other unrecognized. The giggling stops when you close the door with a loud snap that you tried to silence but to no avail.

They can't see you since the door isn't visible from the living room enters way so that gives you a moment. As soon as you enter the door, all you see is the kitchen and the dinning area so you walk forward, trying not to be seen. When you walk forward a bit then turn to your left is when you'll see them. You don't really want to since you're too tired to have another argument with a girl so you're praying that this one is different.

But you have to move to the kitchen since the ramen is still in the bag you're holding. "I'm guessing your roommate just opened the door. What's his name?" The girl voice asks, making you flinch. 'His'. Oh shit.

This girl turns to look at you from the couch when you walk forward. You see her eyes widen at you but you look away to put the ramen on the counter.

"Welcome back Y/n..." Atsumu greets nervously. As a response, you glare at him to which he responds by looking away. He could have at least texted you that someone was coming over. You haven't mentally prepared yourself enough for this.

But to your surprise, the girl smile and walks up to you before extending her hand. "I'm Yuka," she introduces.

You stare in shock before smiling and shaking her hand back. "I'm Y/n," you introduce yourself back, happy at the friendly greeting. She could actually be a good person and not get jealous.

Atsumu gets up which catches both of your attentions. "I'm going to the bathroom, be right back," he tells you two. You nod, knowing that he's leaving to see if anything else happens.

You're about to apologize for not bringing enough ramen for her when she speaks up. "Stay the fuck away from him. I know you're his roommate but I don't care. Move out. Just do anything to get away from my boyfriend. I know you want him, everybody does, but he's mine."


Just when you thought she wasn't like the rest of them. Damn. What makes these girls think you want Atsumu as a partner? You don't show any signs of having a crush on him so what gives?

"Ok first, I don't have a crush on him. I never will. Second, I'm not going to move out just because you're too insecure. I pay for this place too." You don't even try to sound kind or polite. You've done this so many times now that you know that being nice won't get you anywhere.

"Excuse me?!" She shouts. You have to hold back from mimicking her which would just make the situation worse. "I'm not insecure. I just don't want my future husband to be hanging around some loser."

Wow. Big step from boyfriend to future husband. Also, 'loser'? What is this? Third grade? Before you can say anything, another voice booms.

"Leave right now." Atsumu's scary voice makes the girl jump. You raise a brow at his attempt to be scary. It doesn't work on you anymore but it sure works on other people. "Don't call her a loser. She is a loser but only I can call her that." That earns him a glare which he ignores.

"But I'm your girlfriend. She's not. She didn't even bring me ramen out of jealousy." THIS BITCH! You're looking back and forth rapidly from her to the ramen, trying to convey that you didn't know she was coming thanks to someone with piss coloured hair. Doesn't work.

"You're not my girlfriend. We haven't talked about that kind of relationship. She and I don't like each other like that. Now that I see you can't accept that, you can leave."

"Yeah!" You defend. Atsumu just gives you a weird look so you flip him off. You're just trying to help him, geez.

"Look," Yuka says, pointing at you. "She just disrespected you. How could you stand to live with this whore?"

Before Atsumu can say anything, you decide it's your turn to stand up instead of just standing there like and idiot. Atsumu would argue that you're always an idiot - like he did with the loser point -  but that's not the point.

"I'm only a whore for fictional characters. Not for that guy over there especially. Now, like he said, leave. If you stay any longer I'm going to actually throw up all over you."

With a huff, Yuka leaves. Finally.

"I'm so proud," Atsumu fake cries. You roll your eyes before going back to the ramen ont he table. "That girl wasn't all that great anyways. She was clearly only sticking by me for my looks."

"We should really find a way for you to keep the girls you date and for them not to get jealous. I don't mind them being uncomfortable with me around because of insecurities - I can't say I don't have insecurities myself - but I do mind when they try to force me to leave you alone," you say as you set your ramen on the table. "I have an idea, get better taste. There are so many good hes,shes, theys, ect out there and you only choose the red flags."

Atsumu glares at you but doesn't say anything on it. You can tell that he agrees with you but you don't have a solution.

"You should get a boyfriend," Atsumu suggests. Your look up at him with a raised brow. "Or at least a fake one." You swallow the ramen in your mouth before talking.

"Maybe. I've been kind of busy with school to even consider dating again. If you can find someone in a day to be my fake boyfriend then maybe."

You don't speak anymore on the topic, quickly changing it to gossip about your teachers. You don't want to stress to much on the girl situation, you've been packed enough with school already.

Whatever. Maybe Atsumu will find someone tomorrow who will agree. You highly doubt that though. Who would just accept a deal to be your fake boyfriend just like that?
First chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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