Chapter 6: Daniela's Rage

Start from the beginning

Harry: The way they were murdered. . . . *Looks at Daniel* It looked like Daniela's work.

Daniel: She killed Cassie, Harry. She's probably out there.

Jamie: Did you find her body at the destroyed house?

Harry and Daniel were silent as They nodded "No" until Sartain spoke to them.

Sartain: Sheriff, You need to keep haddonfield on a lockdown.

Marion: Sartain is right. It's too dangerous and people out there are still celebrating Halloween.

They were looking at eachother as Harry knew that it was a better idea to keep haddonfield on Lockdown.

Meanwhile at the bar, Tommy, Lindsey and Lonnie were watching a broadcast as There was a breaking news.


Eleven Firefighters Were Found Brutally Murdered By Escaped Mental Patient Daniela Crawford Who Escaped Prison Last Night.

Daniela Crawford, The women that killed people last year in Halloween returned to Haddonfield and already killed many civilians.

They continued watching the news as Everyone was staring as Lindsey spoke.

Lindsey: Isn't it that murderer from last year?

Lonnie: Oh goodness. She's back.

Tommy was silent as He was staring at the news.

Tommy: Its the killer that is just like Michael.

Lindsey: She dresses exactly like him and even. . . Acts like him.

Lonnie: What about haddonfield's police? Are they doing something about it?

Lindsey: No, They still haven't captured her and it looks like they still haven't done anything about it.

Tommy: This Law System has already failed us.

They looked at Tommy as Tommy continued speaking to them.

Tommy: We asked to give Daniela a death sentence but the mayor nor the law didn't even care and put Daniela in a life sentence Eventhough they know how dangerous and deranged she is. And now look, She escaped prison and haddonfield police isn't doing anything.

Lindsey and Lonnie nodded in agreement as They agreed about what Tommy said.

Tommy: If they want to keep this town safe and peaceful, Then they need to get rid of killers like Daniela and Michael, We asked to get rid of Michael as well but he's still alive and is also serving a life sentence.

Lonnie: Your right honestly, This Law System really did fail us.

Lindsey: Now Nobody feels safe when they are around.

Tommy: *Gets up* That's why I'm saying, We should take matters in our own hands. We need to assemble a mob to fight Daniela.

Tommy saw the civillians looking at him as The civillians got up as They were listening to Tommy as Doyle was telling them the plan was to have groups and hunt Daniela down.

Meanwhile Outside the bar, Tommy was assembling the mob as there was a group outside the bar.

Meanwhile Outside the bar, Tommy was assembling the mob as there was a group outside the bar

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Halloween Kills: The Revenge Of Daniela CrawfordWhere stories live. Discover now