"If your that bothered then we can go to the shops and buy you" Juliet said making Romeo feel stupid

Heidi sneaked behind them and started massively splashing them with water

They all had a water fight with laughs and giggles and screams*

At that moment everyone felt happiness, just like the old times, they wished he was there too...Milan

Romeo loved his friends, he saw them as what you call home, he treated them like their his younger siblings, he always was the funny older brother, he always wanted the 4 of them to travel around the world and build and help each other out as adults. There might not be 4 anymore but he still counts it as 4 as Milan is watching over them

Heidi loved her friends, she loved when they hanged out, she made sure everyone was in a good mood, like an older sister. She wanted each and one of them to succeed and they do these little reunions when they become adults, she wanted to see all of them wearing their cap and gown

Milan as he wrote in his letter "I have loved all of you with all my heart, I would never ever wish for any other thing over you guys, I'm not sure how long I'll make it in life but I'll always be watching and making sure you live the best life each and one of you deserve"

On the other hand, Juliet didn't differ from the others. She loved them, she always made sure they got what they needed or wanted. They were all a big family. They grew together in the streets and living with each other the past couple of years. She would rather live a miserable life just to see her friends happy in life


(5:33 am)

Heidi stared at the rain that was hitting the salty water beach

"what's wrong" Juliet asked while throwing Romeo dry clothes

"Thank you" Romeo yelled out while running towards the changing rooms

Heidi looked at Juliet with a sad smile trying to hide her watery eyes

"yo what's up with yo ass" Juliet said furrowing her eyebrows

"I'm leaving" Heidi said with a sad voice

"Your going back home" Juliet said

"Yea, my mother is sick and I don't know when will I come back" Heidi said trying to wipe her tears

"They said I might just finish my high school years back home" Heidi said devastated

Juliet was sad to but she hide her emotion good to where she just looked disappointed

"Will come visit you" Juliet said re assuring Heidi while river her a slap on the shoulder

Heidi smiled

"Guys I'm back" Romeo said after tripping and hitting his face on the floor

Heidi giggled while Juliet said "look at this dumbass" with a smile

"It's not funny" Romeo said running towards them

Romeo noticed Heidi's crying face

Romeo with a concerned look asked "what's wrong"

"She has to go back home cuz her momma sick and they said she prolly gonna finish her high school years there" Juliet summarized the whole problem

"Your joking" Romeo said with a smile

"She's not dumbass" Juliet narrowed her eyes

"Don't worry will come visit you" Romeo said re assuring Heidi

Juliet looked at Heidi then gave Romeo a blank stare

"what..." Romeo asked


(6:24 am)

It started to heavily rain, strong winds, and a little bit of thunder

Two of 3 people decided to change while the other one decided to stay in her wet clothes

"you really shoulda just bought ya clothese and changed" Romeo said laughing at Juliet

"what's the point your gonna get wet anyways" Juliet said looking up the sky as heavy rain started hitting the ground

"let's go buy snacks" Heidi announced rubbing her stomach

"you got a child to feed or what" Romeo said laughing at Heidi rubbing her stomach

"SHUT UP" Heidi yelled at him

"Sorry pregnant lady" Romeo said while rolling his eyes

a smile formed on Juliet's face


(6:48 am)

"at this point just but the whole store" Juliet said looking at the full basket with concern

"that's too much" Romeo said replying back to Juliet

Juliet looked at Romeo then smiled annoyingly at him

after they all left and went to the abandoned building to just play games and eat


"when are you leaving" Romeo asked Heidi while throwing a jelly bean towards his mouth

"on Saturday" Heidi said sighing

"that's only two days away" Juliet said flicking a jelly bean towards Romeo

Heidi smiled and said "i'll miss you guys"

"will miss your American aaa too" Romeo said with a smile


"what do you mean she's not dead" gin asked

"did you see her" gin added on

"no, however we checked the school attendance and it showed she was present" vodka spoke back to him over the phone

"inform Rum" gin said before hanging up on vodka

he grinned with his white teeth showing with pride


(2 days later)

"your gonna miss your flight if you won't let us go" romeo said while heidi is hug squeezing him and juliet

tears flowed from heidi eyes

"stop crying" Juliet said while shaking heidi's body

"i love you guys so much" heidi said crying

"we'll come visit you, make sure to keep in contact with us" juliet said with a reassuring tone

"i will" heidi said pulling away from them

they both watched as her body disappeared through the crowd

a sad smile was drawn on his face

"what's wrong" juliet said turning around

"uh, nothing" romeo said scratching the back of his neck

he didn't know wether he made a mistake not telling them before heidi left that he has cancer


"she's dead gin" vermouth said

"she's not, Vermouth" gin replied with a smile

that smile aches vermouths heart, how dare him smile like that while he's talking about her daughter

"Once we capture her she'll be taken care of by one of us" gin announced to the others

That sentence also bothered vermouth, another member taking care of her daughter????

it's not the end after all is it 

Vermouth thought 

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now