Chapter 103: 103

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He coaxed those who didn't cry, but also burst into tears.

"Father, I hate you."



Song Yuan strolled aimlessly in the street, and finally accidentally touched the key in his pocket. After thinking about it, he stopped a car and went to Rong Hong's residence.

When she opened the door with the key, it seemed to be his unique breath.

Smell carefully, in fact, there is no smell, the furnishings and decoration in this room are very deserted, just like him. There was almost no dust in the living room. She changed her shoes and went all the way to the door of his study. The door of the study was closed tightly. She took out the key and opened the door. In the eyes, the desk was full. The mounted paintings and scrolls are almost piled up into a hill.

At the desk, she vaguely knew that this was what he had left her.

She hesitated to pick up one of the paintings, slowly rolled it up, and slowly saw the woman in the painting.

There are twenty-three paintings here, all of which are hers.

Some were wearing cloaks standing under the plum blossoms, some were sulking on the stone bench, and some were kicking the shuttlecock ...

The artist seems to have kept all her expressions and expressions in her heart. I don't know what happened, her tears burst out and dripped on the painting.

This is what he left her, she seemed to understand and understand the thoughts of those five years. At this moment, she suddenly felt that those things that had been separated between them also seemed very small. All resentment and blame are insignificant.

She seems to be back in the year. At first, she just loved him so purely and simply. She liked to be with this person, and she was willing to suffer even if she was suffering. Did n't you love later? If you did n't love, how could there be Rong Ting, and if you did n't love, how would Rong Ting be born? If you do n't love, what's the pain at this moment?

She stayed in this study for a long time, and when she rolled up the paintings and put them away, she found a sheet of paper under the photo frame on the side.

At first she thought it was left to her, so she picked it up and saw the familiar handwriting. She looked at the beginning, only to find that the letter was not for her but for Mrs. Xie. of.

The content of the letter is very simple. Just say that if Mrs. Xie can see the letter, please read it.

Rong Hong introduced his origins with a few pens, and the end of the letter was as follows: Have you ever asked me if you have any wishes or requirements? Now Xie Yan is dead, I just hope to keep my wife safe for life .

Song Yuan bowed her head and burst into tears.


Later, after returning home, Song Yuan also found the diary book left by Rong Ting. This child did not like to write a diary very much, and the content of it was ridiculous—

On Monday, it rained lightly.

After my mother asked me to start writing a diary and write down things that are happy or unhappy every day. This is how I feel every day, neither good nor bad. Actually, I don't like to sing. I sang a few words secretly in the bathroom, and it was really hard to hear. And I don't sing here. The chicken wings made by our mother today are still delicious.

It was fine on Friday.

I suspect that the emperor did not have amnesia, but I have no evidence, but I will definitely find it.

[MTL]My Son is a Transmigrated PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora