(9) Wishful Thinking

Start from the beginning

It's just talking. Why on earth am I so anxious about it?

"Dude, you look like a kid who broke a vase, and you're anxiously waiting for the consequences to happen," Justin says while packing his things, making me put my notebook inside my bag as well.

"Who told you I'm going to meet up with Aries?" I stupidly ask back, making them look at me with surprise.

"You're meeting up with my brother?" Arthur quickly asks--shocked to hear about this new information. Justin, on the other hand, didn't really care. While Vicki, the most annoying of them all, was looking at me with a grin on her face like she knew something I didn't.

"So that's what this is all about," Vicki teases, nudging my side while she tries her best not to laugh.

"I'm just going to ask for his notes," I defended as if my life depended on it.

"Wait, you're actually going to make an effort to study now? What did you do to our friend, you imposter?" Justin then sarcastically jokes, making me hit him with my bag, but he was able to dodge it in time, thanks to his ridiculously inhumane athletic skills. Well, what do you expect from a former varsity player?

"Anyway, since you already know, I'm heading out first," I tell them before looking at my watch to check the time. And then I took my bag and looked back at the three of them, and as expected, they were looking at me with those disgusting smiles on their faces.

"You're growing up so fast," Vicki continues to tease.

"I seriously hate you guys," I tell them, walking toward the door and showing them my middle finger.

"Oh yeah, Dom, tell him that aunt Venus is going to visit, so he has to go home early," Arthur then says, and I nod my head before finally walking out of the room.

I walk my way to the fountain right on time, my heart unnecessarily racing because of how nervous I felt. What if he's not going to come? What if the vice president didn't tell him about it? Maybe I should have just messaged him in his socials to make sure.

"It's fine, Dom. You're good," I whisper to myself as I arrive in front of the large fountain just outside the institute building.

I look around, watching as the students walk by. I couldn't find Aries anywhere, so I looked down at my watch again. It was already 4:32 PM. Maybe he's just a little late.

It's fine. After all, I'm the one who's asking him for a favor.

I take a deep breath and walk closer to the fountain, putting my hands inside my pocket as I watch the water rising from the pool filled with coins.

Aries was still nowhere to be found, so I decided to pull out a coin from my pocket to make a wish. It felt childish, but there was no harm in doing such a thing, so I clenched the coin in my hand and closed my eyes.

"I wish I could have a good life," I whisper under my breath. "I wish my mom doesn't have to work so hard, and I wish I could straighten my life out, so she doesn't have to worry so much."

I also wish that whoever it may be...

I hope that I get to meet someone who will show me the universe in a world that feels so small.

"That's it," I finish, opening my eyes back and throwing the coin inside the fountain. As soon as the coin drops to the floor, the water from the fountain suddenly stops, surprising me.

"W-wait, does this mean my wish isn't going to come true?" I complained, but right when the water disappeared in front of me, I suddenly saw a figure standing on the other side of the fountain, looking my way directly.

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